Chapter One

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Last week, I went on a mission.

But the mission went wrong.

The Avengers, myself included, were aiming to take down another Hydra base that we had found.

It was simple. We had done that kind of thing many times in the past.

I think that's why I may have been too cocky about it. Because I thought it would be as easy as every other time.

I was wrong.

We infiltrated the base and split up; I was on my own.

My boyfriend, Bucky, was checking in on me constantly as per usual.

"Are you okay doll?" he asked me.

"I'm fine baby. Just like I was when you asked me five minutes ago."

"Sorry. I need to know you're okay. You can start heading back to the jet now, Steve said he's nearly done."

"Roger that" I responded. "On my way."

I turned and retreated the way I had entered. I made my way through the building, but one of the doors I had come through was now closed. I tried the handle, but it was locked.

I thought, that's strange. But I ignored it and went to find a different way out.

I came across another locked door. So I changed my path again.

I entered a hallway with several doors lining each of the walls. I tried every one. All locked.

I sighed with impatience as I was struggling to find a way out. I returned to the door that I had come through to get into the hallway. But it was now shut and locked too.

I swallowed nervously, unsure how that could've happened. I attempted to open it with more force but I had no luck.

"Y/n, honey, we're all at the jet, where are you?" Bucky asked.

"I'm still in the building."

"What? Why? Get out of there!"

"I- I'm trying" I told him. I scanned the room but there wasn't a single window I could try and break through. "I can't."

"What do you mean you can't?"

I was going to answer but I heard a lock click behind me.

I froze temporarily, then slowly spun to face the person opening it.

It wasn't just one person.

There were several agents filing through the door, all armed, guns pointed right at me.

"Drop the weapon!"

I hesitated to do what they said.

They started getting closer to me.

"You're outnumbered sweetheart. If you want to live, I recommend doing what you're told."

I did.

I put my gun on the ground. They surrounded me properly the second I did. I stood up straight again and two agents behind me grabbed my arms.

I didn't resist as most of them still had their guns raised.

I knew the Avengers were waiting outside.

I knew because Bucky had been screaming through the earpiece.

"Y/n? What do you mean you can't get out? Y/n? Y/n, are you there? Y/n! Y/n, please talk to me! Where are you, doll?"

He knew something was wrong.

I thought everything would be fine.

That was last week. Everything was not fine. I only got home less than 12 hours ago.

Hydra managed to keep me hidden for six and a half days before the Avengers found me again.

In that time, I was tortured. I was abused. I was injected with serums. My blood was tested.

I was admittedly afraid.

I had no idea what they were doing to me for most of it, but I had to endure it regardless.

When the others finally came for me, I was so relieved.

Tony found me first, and he took me back to the jet.

He hugged me until Bucky got there to take his place.

"I'm sorry doll" he whispered. "I promise I'm never going to lose you again. You're safe. You're okay."

I did feel safe and okay in his arms again. But I knew it was also a self-affirmation. He hated himself for losing me. Of course, I didn't blame him. I hated that I couldn't stop him blaming himself.

I held in my tears until we got home. I wanted to burst by the time we got back to the compound so telling the others exactly what happened completely left my mind.

I went to stay in Bucky's room as I desperately didn't want to be alone. He cuddled me closely, I snuggled up to him in his arms. The moment I felt comfortable enough, I let my tears fall silently down my face until I fell asleep.

That was last night.

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