Chapter Fifteen

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Everyone left the compound at the same time.

When they get to the hospital, they can instantly see paparazzi trying to make their way indoors.

As soon as they all get out the cars, they're bombarded.

They take no notice of the questions being asked to them, most of which are about you.

"Y/n got sloppy and fell asleep at the wheel! That's a poor way to go for an avenger, what do you have to say about that!"

Bucky snaps.

He turns to the interviewer that asked the question and picks him up by the neck.

"What the hell did you just say?"

The avengers instantly rush to get Bucky to stop. He drops the man.

"I'm just saying... you expect heroes to go out in battle" the man says. "Not the same way as lazy drunks."

Bucky swings a punch at the man's face. He doesn't look back before marching into the building.

No one bothers to help the idiot. He deserved what he got.

The avengers get into the building, passing the security in place that's keeping reporters out the building, away from you.

"Where is she?" Bucky cries. "Where's y/n!"

He marches up to a nurses' station. "Where's y/n? I'm looking for y/n, where is she?"

"Relationship with the patient?" one of the nurses ask.

"She's my girlfriend."

Tony walks up to stand next to Bucky.

"We're her family."

"Okay. Wait here just a moment" the nurse excuses herself.

Bucky nervously begins to pace the floor until she returns.

"Can we see her?"

"Y/n is in surgery. Unfortunately, we can't allow you to see her yet because the operating room gallery is not open to non-medical personnel."

"I don't care" Bucky shakes his head. "I need to see her. Please let me see her."

"I'm sorry sir-"


"There's nothing I can do."

The nurse is about to walk off but Natasha steps towards her and stops her.

"Could we please be briefed on her condition?"

"Of course. I'll send a doctor along as soon as I can."

"Thank you" Nat smiles.

The Avengers migrate to a seating area where they wait for news.

Bucky sits on his own. He has nothing to say to anyone, so he ignores them when they try to talk to him.

He's impatient to hear what's going on.

Eventually, a doctor finds the avengers. He asks them to follow him into a private room to discuss the situation.

"So, what's going on? Can we see her yet?" Bucky asks as soon as he's sat down.

"Y/n is unfortunately still in surgery and you won't be able to see her until she's out" the doctor explains.

"And how long is that going to take?"

"Most of the injuries have been taken care of so if all goes well, it shouldn't be longer than an hour."

"Can you tell us about the injuries?" Bruce requests.

The doctor fills everyone in. He explains that the impact of the car crash caused significant damage, particularly to your head. They want to do an MRI to check for brain injuries.

"Is this gonna affect her? In the long term?" Bucky wonders.

"We hope not. The lacerations may leave a scar, and she'll be prone to frequent headaches, fatigue, dizziness and perhaps a bit of nausea. But these symptoms aren't permanent... we'll know more when we scan the MRI."

"Okay. Okay, and you're doing that when-"

"When she gets out of surgery. It won't be straight after, so you'll be able to sit with her before she goes through."

Bucky nods. "Thank you."

"I'll have someone notify you as soon as you can see her."

The doctor leaves, and the Avengers move to the waiting room. Bucky sits apart from everyone else, refusing to talk. He holds his head in his hands for every minute of the next hour.

Then he can't take it anymore. He stands up to go and find you, but Steve stops him.

"Hey. You alright?"

"Did you seriously just ask me that? No, Steve, I am not alright. The love of my life was in an accident. I do not know if she is okay. The last thing we did was argue. I cannot lose her! Do not ask me if I am alright!"

"I'm sorry. But she'll be out soon and you can see her."

"They said she was meant to be out within the hour. It's been an hour. She's not out yet. Something is wrong."

"You don't know that-"

"Neither do you!"

"Mr Barnes?"

Bucky looks over at the doctor.

"You can see her."

Bucky's suddenly scared. He desperately wants to see you, but he is afraid. He takes a slow, deep breath and shoots Steve a subtle glance.

"Do you want me to come?" Steve offers.

Bucky scans the room, looking around at everyone looking back at him. He faced Steve and whispers "could you?"

"Of course Buck."

The doctor leads the guys to your room. He opens the door for them to walk in. Bucky stands in the doorway. He freezes. He tunes out the doctor telling him that he'll be back in an hour. He stares at you in the bed in the middle of the room. He can't take his eyes of you. He wants to break down.

The doctor leaves. Steve has to urge Bucky to take a step forward so he can close the door. Bucky keeps moving until he's standing by your head. His eyes scan your injuries. He focuses on one deep cut on your forehead. He tucks your hair behind your ear so he can see the whole thing.

"This is my fault."

"What?" Steve questions.

"I should've protected her. I should've been there for her. If I was, this never would've happened."

"Bucky it's not your fault. We don't know why this is happening but whatever it is has nothing to do with you."

"I should've been there for her, Steve" Bucky reiterates. He pulls up a chair. He holds one of your hands in both of his.

And he cries.

Author's Note: I am not a doctor. A lot of this won't be accurate. But I hope you're enjoying the story :)

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