Always You: Part 10

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Body heavy, I sank further into the warmth surrounding me. Lightweight but cozy, a light gray comforter was wrapped around me, a pillow with a white case placed under my head. The sun filtered in through the matching white curtains, lighting a side of my face. Groggily, I sat up in the bed, rubbing my eyes as I took a glance around the room.

Well-coordinated, the hardwood floors were an aesthetic marble of grays and browns, the bedding accenting the floor and the walls which were painted in the lightest gray. A wooden dresser stood on the wall opposite of the window, matching the browns in the room. In front of me a decent sized TV was mounted on the wall. Overall, the atmosphere was pleasing and calming.

And what's that? That smell, it's so familiar, like a crisp pine and smoke...


Eyes widening, I whipped my head around the room, until my gaze landed on the matching end table next to the bed.

Picking up the standard silver frame, I held it between my hands, heart beating.

It's the exact same picture in the apartment entryway...

This must be Hia's room.

As I looked around the room again, I notice the small things that would suggest Hia sleeps here, like numerous accessories scattered across the top of the dresser and the stack of books about best farming practices also on the bedside table.

Looking at the space beside me, I didn't seem like anyone had slept beside me. Feeling the sheets, they were cold, most likely an indicator that I had been alone the entire night. The last thing I remember is drifting off, the lull of the car and warmth pulling me into darkness. Exhausted by the traveling and events, I wasn't surprised that I fell asleep. What I am confused about how I got here.

Gently setting the frame back, I swung my legs out of the bed, realizing that I was only in my t-shirt and boxers from yesterday.

Cheeks burning, I rubbed my hand across my face, trying to decide what to do next.

Shower or food?

The grumbling in my stomach answered for me. Walking over to my bag that was next to the bedroom door, I pulled out some sweats and slippers, changing quickly before opening the door.

Now to find the kitchen...

Closing the door behind me, I noticed a small yellow sticky note on the door.

Good morning,

I went out early to attend to my farm. If you need anything, you can find me either in the building next to the house, or out in the field. I won't be back until it's dark. The house is yours to use as you please.

If there is an immediate emergency, please call my friend, P'Talay. I wrote his number on the backside.

The kitchen is straight down this hallway and to the right. There is a bathroom to the left of this door. There are clean towels under the sink.


Sighing, I took long strides down the hallway, making the appropriate turn until I was standing in the kitchen.

Similar to the bedroom, the kitchen had the same color palette, but had more chrome accents, the appliances all in stainless steel. It had a more western modern layout, with an island in the middle and an industrial sized refrigerator, most likely to help the overflow of vegetables and fruits. There was also a window over the sink, allowing me to see out into the expansive wilderness of the Chiang Rai countryside

The other building must be on the other side.

Walking toward the fridge, I saw an assortment of fresh food. Grabbing some milk and eggs, I searched for a bowl, eventually finding one in the cabinets under the island. Whipping up some omelets, I sat there eating against the counter trying to figure out my next move.


I heard a door open, the sound echoing throughout the house.

It was almost 10 pm, the sun long gone. I had opened the window in the bedroom, enjoying the change in scenery, the soothing sounds of nature helping to relieve some of my nerves.

After breakfast, I did a short at home workout then took a shower only to be surrounded by Hia's scent.

Slightly agitated by, well, everything, I had laid down and had fallen asleep, only awakening about 20 minutes before I heard the door.

Sitting up against the headboard, I tried to get my bearings.

Great action planning, New. What are we going to do and how are we going to do it? How should we talk to—

The door to the bedroom slowly creaked open, and Hia's head then body slowly entered. He quickly turned around to gently shut the door, most likely thinking I was asleep.


Startled, he jumped toward me, his heart on his chest.

"What the hell, New, I thought you would be asleep by now."

"Is that what you were hoping for?" I asked sardonically, crossing my arms and raising one eyebrow.

"What? Yes—NO, not exactly...I just hoped you were resting well, is all."

Not indulging him in a response, I continued to stare at him, hoping that he would take some sort of initiative.

I could tell he felt awkward due to his repeated touching of his eyebrows. Clearing his voice, he walked in front of the bed toward his dresser, "I just need to grab a change of clothes and then I'll let you rest."

Climbing out of the bed, I stepped into his path, our gazes locking.

"We need to talk." 


Author's Note:

OMG. Did y'all see the fanconcert, or at least the youtube videos of confident NuNew for the 'Stuck With U' number. 

I don't know how many times I watched it, it was so good!

Early update because I'm busy the next couple of days。

Until then--じゃね!

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