The cigarette lays in front of you.
But do you truly want it?
Or are you using it...
Using it to escape
Escape your pains?
Escape your thoughts...You know it won't do either
But you tell yourself it will.
Yet you do it anyway.
Why do you do it then?
You think to yourself and say.Well it's better than drugs,
And it's better than alcohol.
But is it really?It does very little,
Except numb your body.
Is that what you really want?
To numb your body?
Or to numb your pain?
You want to numb your pain...But you know that that's wrong.
You know that that,
is not the best thing to do.
That's the cowards way out.
It's the true apitomy of you're worth less,
Less than what you truly are.You're worth more than that.
You have the goals to be.
You're goals are worth it.
Worth the hassle of following through.
Following through your plans.
Following through your hardships.
Following through the tough times.
And Following through...
Through with your wishful thoughts.You know what you need?
You know what you want?
Then strive for it.There will be hurtles.
It will be tough.
But you are tough,
So push through it.
Push through it the way...
The way your grandparents pushed...
Pushed through their lives,
With the ability to see their grandchildren grow
Grow into the people they couldn't be.Please,
Written In Thoughts
PoesíaPoetry written by me. Every peom written down is first imagined up as complex thoughts, then put into words as best as I can