Chapter III

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"Ok..? Um... I'll have to be honest with you sir, I already have an apartment lined up so I don't think I'm a place to be buying a whole house," I said, trying to be gentle with the matter. Pops has explained to me that buying a property now these days isn't cheap, so for some companies, it isn't an easy job.

Yet despite my words, Maison just stood there looking at me but I feel like I have hit a nerve; his posture became stiffer and his eyes remained wider. While his disturbing smile never left his face. I don't know how it happened but I'm starting to feel more and more afraid.

"I wish I hadn't said anything now!"

"...That's quite alright. I'm sure you'll be giving me a call, I am the number one realtor in all of Uncanny Valley. I have never had a disappointed buyer. You'll love the house I've found just for you," said Maison as he finally broke the silence between us.

"I'll be waiting."

After that, the strange realtor walked away. I didn't even get the chance to argue with him as his long legs carried him out faster than expected. And now that he was gone, there was nothing else I could do; so I just shrugged and put the business card in my pocket. Even though I don't need it, there is no harm in holding on to it. Just in case if anything or something happens with the new apartment.

"It should be nearly time for me to go, so I better hurry." I thought to myself as I quickly finish up my food and drink, making sure to leave a nice tip on the table before leaving and heading toward the apartment building.

As I approach my new complex, I couldn't but feel warm in my heart and can't help but think about how I could finally get a new change in my life, without anyone to back me up or a safety net. This is exactly what I need, a change of pace and my own place to call home. I took a deep breath in, taking in the cool, clean air of the valley and step forward to find your apartment number.

"Ah, here it is!" I said as I finally found the door number. As childish as it may sound but I have been wanting my own apartment for awhile, and now I have it! I reached out and grabbed the handle but the door didn't budge as I twist the handle.

"Huh..? It... won't open..?" I try and attempted to open it but it still wouldn't budge. It then slowly crossed my mind that the door itself was locked.

"What the hell..? They said that the door would be unlocked when I got here... I should probably give them a call..." I quickly pulled out my phone and dialled the company number as a strong form of uneasiness began to run through me. Hearing the beeping as I called them doesn't help either...

"Please, someone pick up." I thought as I was slowly starting to panic, I could feel my heart beating, my brain was on a constant 'what if' battle. And then someone picked up the phone.

"Hello, Uncanny Valley apartment hunters, how may we help you?"

"Hello... I'm supposed to move in today but my apartment is locked..?" I said while explaining my problem. The other line remained silent for a short bit, all I could hear were the sounds of papers shuffling and animal roars..?

"Ah, yes... We had a little issue with your apartment and it won't be ready until tomorrow. We give our deepest apologies."

"What...? This can't be happening, right? What could I do now at this point?" I thought as I started to panic again. What even happened? What could the issue possibly be to have my move-in pushed back? I honestly wanted to pry and hope to get a better explanation, but I don't want to sound rude... I couldn't help but sigh deeply, I would have fought back but ultimately decided that it's better to be patient. It's not like I know what happened, and there's no telling what the company was going through right now.

"I understand, thank you... Please give me a call when my apartment is ready."

"Yes, of course. Have a good day, Y/n."

And with that, they hang up and left me standing in front of the building where I should be inside by now. Dad was telling me that the whole thing sounded too good to be true, at first I thought it was just him worrying about my safety... Now I can understand how he must have felt.

"Now what...?" I said as I shoved my hand into my pockets, absent mind and felt the hard piece of paper crunch against my fist. I pulled the paper out of my pocket and suddenly remember Maison...

"...Yeah, right. I was lucky enough to afford this apartment, I cant buy a house right now..."

"But I don't really have anywhere else to go... And just booking a room would be even more of a hassle, plus I can't give out any more money than what I already have..." I thought as I just stare at the card.

"Should I call him..?"




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