Chapter V

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"I should have taken my chances with the hotel..." I thought to myself as I continued to move my legs, trying my absolute best to keep up with Maison's pace. It felt like I'd been walking for an hour and the awkward silence didn't help either. I can feel my leg muscles ache, struggling to keep up with the strange realtor's long and fast strides. And when he finally stopped, it was so abruptly that it force me to bump roughly into his back.

Yet despite that; he didn't move or even budge at all from the force of my weight against his back. I quickly jumped back, trying my best to hide the redness that was appearing on my cheeks from embarrassment.

"S-sorry..."Said y/n, yet even when I apologized Maison didn't say anything, he just stood there. I looked over at the huge house before me, with a for sale sign glaringly obvious on the curb.

"This is the house?!"

"Oh, do you see something you like after all? I'm not surprised, this house is in VERY GOOD condition." Said Maison as he finally said something.

"Is he serious?! Well, I won't deny that it is a nice-looking house, and it looks like it has plenty of space... But that's not the issue!"

"You don't think I can seriously afford this place, right? This place is HUGE! It's far too much for one person!"

"Hehe... Quite the flattered I see. I assure you, the price is VERY reasonable and I'm willing to haggle greatly. The seller... Is simply looking to sell fast."

I couldn't bring myself to say anything else, all I could do was stare at him in shock. I then looked back at the house... Something doesn't feel right... Something had to be up with this, it was sounding fishier the more this "realtor" talked it up. No matter how nice he makes it sound, I'm not buying it.

"Ok, what's the catch then?"


"Yeah, come on man. Why is the seller trying to get rid of this beautiful house? Did someone die in it or something?"

"...Of course not," Maison said. His small and short pause worried you greatly, but you were pretty sure you read somewhere that realtors had to disclose that information to you or something, right? So why is he, the number one realtor, is giving me so very little.

"Simply come inside and take a look around. No strings attached. You'll LOVE it when you see the insides. You won't be able to walk away from a deal like this, dear buyer."

"Something felt definitely wrong here, about all of this, but I'm already here... I feel like it's already too late for me to turn back, and I made it this far... I guess having a look couldn't hurt."

"Alright, let's go check it out then. But don't get your hopes up though, Mr Talo." I said with a stern tone.

"Oh, I have no doubts that you'll be instantly attached when you see it," Maison said, while roughly grabbing my arm again, I can feel his sharp fingertips digging in roughly as you follow him up the concrete walkway to the bright, red door.

"How... Uh... How long have you been searching for a buyer for this place?" I asked him. Hoping that it will lighten the mood up a little bit. However, you noticed that Maison is staring ahead to the door, his eyes looking almost hungry as he ushers me through the door and into the living room.

"Oh... This place is pretty nice!" I said as my eyes travelled around the room and at the stand-in furniture and run my fingers along the couch. As much as I don't want to admit it, he was right. I do feel like I'm slowly getting attached to this room alone. Though it does make me wonder why such a nice-looking house like this is struggling to find a buyer.

"Is it just me, or is it very warm in here..." I was so drawn to this room that I failed to notice the temperature in here. The whole place feels really uncomfortably warm and humid.

"Hey, do you think we could turn on the AC or something? It's a bit hot in here, it's a little hard to focus." I said while turning my attention to Maison, who was just standing there on the spot.

"...Do you absolutely love this house?" He asked, completely ignoring my question.

"Uh, it's a little early for that, I haven't even seen any of the other rooms..."

I couldn't help but wonder what the other rooms would look like, I mean the living room itself looks great, and I can only imagine what the rest of the rooms are like. Especially the bedrooms. Just thinking of the possibilities of a soft, comfy mattress sounds really nice. Then my thoughts were stopped, as the whole room began to move. And I was starting to feel even worse.

"Ugh... I don't feel very good... Can I sit down?"

"Oh... By all means. Make yourself comfortable, dear buyer."

I shakily stumble over to the couch, my hands helplessly grasping at the warm leather. I gasped in surprise as Maison grabs me by the shoulders, guiding me to the middle of the couch and helping me sit down.

"He may be strange, but at least he is kind enough to help..." I thought as I try to steady myself, rubbing my head in an attempt to stop growing sickening vertigo. And the temperature was starting to get worse, to the point where it's almost hard to breathe.

"C...Can we maybe... Crack a window open or something? It's getting really hot... I don't know what's wrong with me..."

"...You know something that's a terrible shame, dear buyer?" Maison asked me, but with a different tone. It sounds like he was, disappointed..? I glanced up to look at him, only to then realize that the whole room WAS actually MOVING. At first, you thought that your eyes were playing tricks, but to see these walls wobbling around me. Making it more and more difficult to stay upright.

"W... What...?"




(A bit longer, but it is the least I can do for not updating so long. Will I be able to do the same for tomorrow? Who knows, we'll just have to wait and see. Though I do hope that I'll get it done.)

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