I'm alive, but...

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Hi everyone! Bet it's strange to be reading this now, especially when this story is finished. To be honest with you all, doing this felt like the best way to everyone's attention and that it was really the only option. I did say that I would make an Important announcement, and here it is.

First off, I like to give a big thank you to everyone for giving this story a chance, especially to the newcomers. I was worried that no one would have liked it that much, but you all still read it. Even though it was done by a complete novice. Now then, let's get to the point as to why this is a thing.

I won't sugarcoat this...but my mental health wasn't doing so well. Or rather, my confidence. I did suspect that writing wasn't going to be an easy thing, but I didn't think it would be that hard. I don't know if anyone recalls, but I did have some other stuff on my profile; but since they weren't bringing in many readers, I had to delete them. And each one was just a blow to whatever confidence I had. Now please note that I'm not doing this as a form of blaming. It is fully my problem and my fault for not fully thinking about the targeted audience, and that those said stories would appeal to them😞

Anyway, It's just today that I asked a friend for advice. I've been thinking about trying to get back into writing stuff but, I'm just not too sure if I should. I mean, I've got some possibilities...but I just don't know if anyone here would even read them. Not saying that you should! I mean I can't force you all to read any of it but...you know😣 So I guess that the reason why I'm here is to find out. To see what all of you think. Which is why I'm holding a vote.

Should I start writing again? Or not?

I know that I'm probably asking a lot from you all, but this vote alone is important. And it will be a big help to me. So it would mean a lot if you could take part in this. You can say either yes or no, and include reasons why. That is if you want to of course, you don't have to vote if you don't want to. That choice is entirely up to all of you.

That's the end of the announcement. I'm curious as to what you all would say in the comments. Thank you for your time! Bye👋

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