Chapter VII

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Everything around me felt light... Like, I was floating in the air. How I wished that to be true. When I opened my eyes, all I could see was darkness. Just pure darkness, so much so that I can't see anything. It was all so silent, it felt so unsettling... I want to make some noise, but I'm struggling to breathe. It feels like I'm drowning.

"What is this place..? How did this happen..?" I thought as my eyes looked around the endless void with a pounding headache. My mind itself feels...empty... Am I forgetting something..? I want to remember, but my brain feels so shot. At this point, I have just accepted my fate. When suddenly, I faintly hear something.

"Are those, voices..? Here..?"




"Who's there..? Who are you..?"


Who or whatever that voice belongs to, I wasn't able to hear the rest of what it was saying, as my body feels very light. And before I knew it, my body went limp. Slowly sinking down deeper into the void.





I woke up with a gasp, and as I did my eyes immediately travel around my surrounding. Only now that I have realized that I was a bus. It's not too full, but not too empty. It was all so quiet, so peaceful, and the ride itself felt smooth. Is it any wonder why I fell asleep.

"Why am I on this bus again?" I thought to myself as I looked down at my feet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we thank you for riding with us today. We are slowly approaching the final stop. Please make sure that no personal items are left behind."

"The final stop? Why am I here again?"

Despite my confusion, I decided to do a double check on my bags and pockets. It's only now that I have noticed that I have packed a lot of stuff. Clothes, towels, wallet and phone. Why do I have almost everything with me? It wasn't till now that I realized that the bus have came to a complete stop.

"We have arrived at Uncanny Valley. We hope to see you again soon."

"Uncanny Valley..? Wait... I remember now!"

The reason why I am here is that I'm going to be living here. I remember looking for a place to live, and then I found it. The apartment was at a cheap price, so I was able to afford it. My parents were worried about me being out here on my own, but I managed to convince them. I quickly gathered my things and got off the bus and made my way out of the station. As I did, I immediately pulled out a map of the valley.

"Shops, no. Park, no. Cafe... No, not yet at least..." I thought as I looked over the options of what to do, but yet none of them was jumping out to me. So I have come to the decision to wander aimlessly. I think that It will be fun to get a layout of the land today. Just a little walk around the area to see what's around and all.

After wandering for a good hour, I find myself in what looks to be a business district. I was honestly shocked to see such tall skyscraper's in such a small city. I then find a comfortable bench to rest and drink some water, watching the crowded businessmen scurrying past me on the sidewalk.

"Wait, don't they all look pretty similar to one another..." I thought as my eyes travelled to each businessman that was walking by. They all seem to be wearing the same suit, yet they have the same face..? Eventually, I noticed that one of them looks more out of place than the others, instead of the hyper-focused gaze that marks the other faces, he looks...sad?

"Is he okay?" I wonder about him for a moment, when suddenly a very tall gentleman in a red suit jacket stands directly in front of me. Completely towered over me and stared into my eyes with a large and never moving smile on his face.

"He looks...familiar... I wonder why."




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