Chapter XX

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"What a long day," I said as I stepped out of the gas station. We didn't get a lot of people in today, which also made the day very slow. It was now evening, with the moon and stars taking the sun's place in the dark sky. It was quiet, silent enough to send chills down my spine.

"I don't see Doe around anywhere," I thought as my eyes scanned the empty area around me, somehow expecting him to still be here after the strange encounter, but to my surprise, he was nowhere to be seen. "Maybe he gave up."

"Hi!" I jumped in fright as a familiar person; John Doe. He just appeared out of nowhere and startled me.

"Oh-! Geez, you scared me!"

"Oh, I'm sorry! I tend to scare people on accident."

"With you appearing like a ghost it's no wonder why..!"

"Do you like being scared?"

"No, I don't like feeling scared at all! Why would I want that?"

"Heh, well you are cute when you're scared, you know."

"...Is he trying to flirt with me..?" I thought as I was still annoyed with John for scaring me, but I guess I can let him off. He did say sorry after all.

"Thanks, I guess."

"So, can I come home with you?"

It was there that he was starting to creep me out. I've seen enough films to know that this guy is showing red flags. A part of me wanted to run, but that didn't feel like the safest option; since I have no clue about John or how fast he could be. Leaving me with no other option but let him come over.

"I guess so, but no funny business!"

"Oh, I promise," John said with a smile, but it looked forced.

It didn't take long for the bus to arrive, which is a good thing. We both got on and sat at the closest seat. During the ride back home, I would back at John who sat very close to me, with a real smile this time.

"He seems excited." I thought as my nerves began to build up slowly. I should have just said no.





"Ok we're here," I says to John as we both stood outside my apartment. I was actually surprised to see him still there, I thought he would have changed his mind and just vanished. "I guess you can come in."

"I'm so so so excited to spend time with you!" He said with a very happy tone, but I was too tired to care right now. I opened the door and invited him in. And as I did, John wasted no time in having a look around the room.

"Your apartment is very cute. Just like YOU."

"Oh... Um, thank you?"

"Okay, stranger danger is now in my home... What now..?" Despite the fact of the situation that I've thrown myself into, I have just realized that this is the first time that I have invited someone into my home.

"I don't really have guests over very often. Do you want something to eat? I can check the kitchen."

"NO!" I flinched back as John just suddenly yelled his answer. He seems to have noticed my movement, so he tries to correct himself. "I mean... No, don't go into the kitchen..."

".... Ok?" What got into him just there..? And why had he made such a fuss about me going into my kitchen?

"How about some TV? I love TV. Almost as much as-" Just as John was about to finish his sentence, a sound filled my ear. It was like a glitchy sound..? Some form of white noise..?

"Um, never mind."

Everything has been nothing but weird, so was I going to question what just happened? Not really. I just don't have the energy to care about that right now, all I want is to sit down. Plus; watching the TV doesn't sound so bad. So we both sat down on the couch and watched something random.

"I love this show. I'd love to be able to watch TV with you all the time."


"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I'm just so happy to be here with you," John said with a smile. I won't deny that he looks cute when he smiles, but why does he talk like we know each other so well? But... I wasn't too worried about that, since he's happy.

"Yeah... This is actually really nice!" I said while returning a smile. John remained silent as I turned my attention back to the TV screen.

"Do you like me... Like this?" John asked while my eyes never left the show that was playing.

"Oh... Yeah, I mean, I guess so. I think I'll have to get to know you a little better though." I said with all honesty. John is cute looking and comes off a bit weird, but he is kind of adorable once you get past the other qualities. I was so busy thinking of his pros and cons that It made me realize something with his words.

"Wait... What do you mean "Like this"...?" I asked him.

"...Oh. In that case..."

Before I knew it, my whole head was turned by force in John's direction. And what I saw made my skin crawl. Aside from my now warped living room, John's face completely changed; his eyes were a lot bigger than usual. His smile was a lot bigger and wider, each corner of his mouth reached his eyes, and his teeth were completely yellow.


I couldn't say anything, not even scream. All I could do was stare at John with fear. Panic was slowly building up while my whole body felt numb, my blood even feels like it was running cold. And then, everything went black.




(I'm so sorry that this took longer to do😫I'm not feeling so great, but I have said that I would make a chapter if I was lucky, and I did. I hope you all can forgive me for being slow😞)

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