Chapter IV

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"I'm gonna hate myself for doing this..." I thought to myself as I slowly dialled Maison's number. Even though I could easily wait for tomorrow, I don't think I could wait that long. I don't see the harm in killing time by looking at some pretty houses that I'll never afford. Plus; it will give me something to do. And who knows, I might get lucky if he is in a good mood.

However, as I finished dialling the number, It just ringed and ringed... It was like that for the next two rings. Which then caused my gut to twist and turn with nervousness and slight panic as no one picked up, no answer whatsoever. But it wasn't long for that unpleasant feeling to be replaced by annoyance.

"So much for being the number one realtor in Uncanny Valley..." I said to myself as I glared down at my phone. It wasn't till I brought my head back to see someone standing very close to me, and that person was Maison. I couldn't help but let out a gasp as I jumped back in fright at his sudden appearance, I didn't notice him, he didn't make a sound or anything.

"When did he get here!?"

"Hello and thank you for your call. Are you ready to see your dream house today?" He asked with his signature creepy grin. While there is a part of me that's grateful to see him, but that's not the most important thing right now!

"W-Were you just... Waiting here for me to call you?!"

"How ridiculous."


"I am simply the best in the city, always waiting for a prospective buyer's call. I am always ready to show you your BRAND. NEW. HOME. LIFE." Maison said. While both his tone and voice became somewhat sinister at the end of his sentence, making me rethink if it was a good idea to have called him... His presence alone was starting to worry me greatly, but he was already here, and it'd be rude to ask him to leave...

"I already phoned him, so I'm too far in, I can't back out now... And there is no harm in going with him, he's just trying to do his job, right?" I thought as I kept my stare on him. He may be a bit... pushy, but realtors are always like that anyways.

"Alright, Maison. Let's go and look at this house."

"Oh, I knew that you would choose the right answer, dear buyer. Let us go right there then, the house is simply DYING to meet you."


Before I could properly ask him why he phrased it so oddly, he roughly grab me by the upper arm, dragging me along with down the street. Trying to keep up with him was also a challenge since he has longer legs than me.

While I was being dragged, I turned my head back to the apartment building; it was only now that I started to question myself... Questioning my decision, my choice... Yet despite what my mind, heart and gut were telling me, I just shook it off. I mean it's not like anything bad would happen right...?

"The worst-case scenario has already happened, not only was my new apartment being held back but is also facing a dilemma. It's not like this kind of bad luck, or timing could continue, right..? I haven't made a huge mistake... Right..?"




(I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday, I was so caught up with other things at home.)  

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