Chapter XXII

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"It's been a little slow today," I thought while trying to keep myself awake.

You know, if I ever had the power to control my working hours, I'd be having so much time off work right now. Why? Because it's been nothing but a quiet day, very few people came into the store. Nothing worse than going through the trouble of waking up early for work and barely anyone stopping by. I have dozed off at least three times now, and I'm lucky enough to not be caught by my boss. In fact, I don't even know where they are. Much like the customers; I've barely seen them today.

"I'm almost falling asleep." I was just about to close my eyes again, that was until someone walked in.

"Huh...? Oh... It's that guy from the bus. His name was... Was... Doe...?" I couldn't explain why, but for some reason, I felt like I have meet him before. And yet, I don't recall ever meeting him. But I can somewhat remember his name. At least, I think it's his name. But...

"Hi." The "stranger" greeted me with a smile. Regardless if I somehow know him or not, he's still a stranger. Right?

"Uh... Hi? How can I help you, sir?"

"What's your name?" He asked me, which also left me feeling confused. We are strangers, but yet... Shouldn't he already know who I am? Or am I just going crazy?

"Ah, It's y/n. You can see it on my nametag."

"That's a beautiful name. Mine's..... Uh... Well..."

"...Is he okay...?" I asked myself as I watched the "stranger" just do a 180 on his mood. He was all happy and smiling a second ago, but he looks uneasy. Scared maybe? But why? "Uh, just call me John Doe. Or...maybe just Doe for short."


"So, are doing anything after work?"

"Yeah, I'm probably gonna be busy. I wanted some time to catch up on TV and stuff," I said while trying my best to sound convincing as possible. In truth; I actually don't have anything planned when I leave, but I couldn't just tell John that. I don't know why, but something was telling me to not say anything.

"O-oh..." Says John, looking upset with my answer. Not just upset, but he had that uneasy expression again. Only this time, he looked more, nervous.

"Are you ok?" I asked with a slightly concerned tone. John however doesn't respond. Instead; he quickly made his way out of the store. Leaving me on my own.


"That was kind of weird... But it's not like any of the other weird encounters I've had with some of the customers."

And now that I'm feeling more awake, I decided to look around the shelves and see if there's anything I can do as I go. However, as I did, something in my mind just clicked.

"John Doe... John... John..." Never once in my life would I be in such deep thought, and all because of a name.

"John Doe... How do we know each other...?"




(Hi! So as promised, I have made a chapter😁A bit short but I'm slowly building it up, seeing as we are slowly approaching the end. And speaking of the end; I went and did a tally mark of your votes. And Surprisingly, not a lot of people voted on the endings. I guess that's what I get for being away for a while 😅😥Either way! I checked out your votes and... It's three each?!😮Looks like the bad ending will be included. And for those who aren't a fan of bad endings, you don't have to read it, I won't force you😊) 

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