1 - Flames & Stones

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It was like any normal day in London, well the type of normal that you'd get here. It had been about four months since 'The Wave' hit Earth and the people of this planet had only started getting used to weird, new going ons. A fraction of the population began to change, scaring the greater part of humanity. Could they be trusted? No one could tell...

We begin with our hero, Sky Hilling. He was a peculiar young lad, not just for one reason. He was a lanky, white-skinned boy with ginger, curly hair covering the top of his head. He was in his very early twenties but definitely looked much younger. He strutted down the old English street, minding his own business as he thought deeply to himself. The sky was a dark blue, with the moon barely just lighting the area; the number of clouds in the sky made that certain. A few birds would be singing their song, hidden between the dark oak trees and their bright green leaves. But something would cause young Sky to stop in place, or someone.

A small yell could be heard, coming from a long back alley. It was beside one of those dodgy corner shops. You could tell they sold illegal substances like weed, the amount of stoners that came out looking happy was a too common occurrence. Sky turned towards the dingy alley, a small smirk slowly grew on his face. He charged down, making fists with his hands as he made his way. Stopping in the shadows, he witnessed what was happening.

The scene stood before the young homosexual, a large green dumpster sat against a mouldy brick wall. Cardboard and banana peels hung out of the minorly open bin. The smell was as you'd expect, disgusting to say the least. On the floor beside this dumpster was a young lady, with long blonde hair. This lady looked like some kind of posh businesswoman. Briefcase and all. Standing above her was a scruffy-looking man; who held a blade, directing it towards the victim. It was hard to make out what he was saying through all the mumbles, firmly cementing his status as what Sky affectionately termed a "crackhead."

Clenching his fists together, Sky's entire body began to glow. Orange, scorching fire began to engulf his body! His entire anatomy changed within seconds, turning Sky into a powerful flame form. The area lit up in moments quickly grabbing the attention of the mugger. He turned with an angry stare, shouting incoherently towards the firehero. A small chuckle left Sky's lips before within a few seconds dashing at the criminal. Sky launched a fiery punch into the mugger's chest, causing him to fall a few meters backwards. Grunting in pain, he hit the floor. Sky jumped over to the woman, allowing his hands to return back to normal. Helping her up and away, Sky turned back towards the drug-fuelled maniac who had just gotten up onto his feet.

"So..." Sky spoke, keeping his upper body in nothing but flames. "Any reason you're out attacking ladies tonight or are you just a dick?"

Shaking his head, the criminal spat onto the floor. "Get the fuck out of my way freak, this has nothing to do with you!"

Shaking his head, Sky let out a small sigh. "I see, a dick it is..."

With an intense speed, the flame-covered hero charged at the mugger before unleashing another punch but this time to the groin. The criminal fell to the floor, holding his privates as he yelled out in pain.

"Maybe you'll learn!" Sky laughed.

With one more punch, this time to the face, the man was knocked out; falling to the floor unconscious. Grabbing him by the collar, Sky slowly lifted off the ground with his flight. After about five minutes, the mugger was dropped off at the local police station. We can only hope they can now deal with him.

Returning back to his normal self, Sky decided to speed up his journey by sprinting to his desired location. He launched himself forward, causing a small gust of wind in his trail. Sky arrived at a small council estate where children could be seen littering the streets. Keeping himself hidden, Sky made his way to a bunch of conjoined homes. Each seemed weathered down and old, nothing new when you live in a council house. He arrived at the middle home of three, opening the door to let himself in. He was quickly embraced by the smell of Bolognese sauce, oh tonight was going to be great!

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