6 - A Day In The Life

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After last night's events, Sky decided he would take a lazy day. His blue eyes opened as a loud yawn left his lips. Sitting up in place, the still slightly injured boy rubbed his eyes before jumping up. Seeing his bong, Sky would grab it before also picking up a small black pencil case. Placing it onto his desk, he would proceed to open the case up. Grabbing some tobacco and some weed, he would fill the bowl attached to the bong's pipe. Being happy with the amount loaded, he would pick up the device and hold it towards his mouth. Using his spare hand, he would click his fingers causing his index one to convert into fire. 

Holding his flame-covered appendage against the bowl, he would slowly begin to inhale. The water inside would bubble slowly before quickly speeding up as Sky would allow it all into his system. Leaning away from the bong, he'd hold his breath in for several seconds before finally exhaling. The smoke would leave his mouth and fill the room, also distributing the smell of the sweet ol' Mary Jane with it!

After a few seconds, the effects washed over him causing Sky to get ever so slightly stoned. With a smirk on his face, he'd drop down in front of his PC and boot it up. Moving some of his ginger hair away from his face, he'd grab the computer mouse before opening up an application. Quickly Minecraft loaded on the screen as the signature music began to hit his ears, taking him back to the little happy moments he remembered from his childhood. 

As Sky sat in his bedroom on his PC, Lola would be just outside in the hallway. Looking exceedingly tired, she'd make her way down the stairs one step at a time. Reaching the bottom, she entered the kitchen, grabbing herself a glass of fresh, cold milk to saturate her thirst. Smiling as she finished, Lola would then turn towards the living room. Walking inside, she noticed her father sitting in his usual seat. With a newspaper in hand, his gaze would break from it. Noticing his daughter, he'd rest his hands and the paper on his leg.

"Good morning dear..." he spoke, with a big smile.

"Hey, Dad!" she replied with a yawn.

Slumping onto the couch, she stared towards her father. He was really into whatever he was reading, compelling Lola to take an interest.

"What's that you're reading?" she asked, tilting her head.

"Seems that fancy lab was attacked..." he answered, showing the article to her.

The article was titled:

'Pyrokinesis Powered Individuals Deface Hellford Laboratories'

Her eyes widened at the name, and she grabbed the paper off her dad after the fact. Making her way through the text, she'd finish before handing it back. Looking surprised at her reaction, he leaned in towards her.

"What's up?" he asked, seemingly worried.

"Well..." she replied, quickly stopping herself. "Nothing..."

Lola threw the newspaper back at her father, leaning into her chair with a strange look.

In the backyard was Ben. Having been awake for hours, he had decided to train himself. His goal was to master his balance. Standing on one side of the garden, Ben was suddenly surrounded by the orange electricity. Using his quick speed, he zoomed to the opposite end of the garden. Still needing to practise, he'd find himself unable to stop before crashing into a tree. The electricity dissipated as the boy's head spun in circles. Falling to the floor, he'd grunt and sigh.

"Goddammit!" he exclaimed, lying on his back.

Studying the clouds, thoughts began to flood Ben's head. He never wanted powers, he never wanted to be different from others. But now that he's cursed, he may as well tame it. Squinting his eyes, the kid would leap onto his feet. Determined to master his powers, he'd take a heroic pose. 

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