7 - Behind The Armour

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Blake was violently thrown to the floor, letting out a gasp as they connected with it. Struggling to move, they would scan across their surroundings. Blake and their kidnapper seemed to be in some kind of abandoned warehouse; metal shelves laid in pieces, scattered around the floor. You could hear the sound of mice gushing inside the walls. Dirt and cobwebs could be seen decorating every part of this horrible place. Turning their head towards Father Flame, Blake gasped at the sight. The armoured man was terrifying with the flames only adding to the terror building inside of them.

"P... Please let me go..." they trembled as they spoke.

Ignoring their pleas, Father Flame grabbed some long metal chains and chuckled. Suddenly he flew over at Blake, wrapping the chains around their arms as they screamed for freedom. Pulling the chains over to a rusty bar attached to the wall, he would tie them to it making sure Blake was unable to escape.

"B... But why?" they cried.

"For being rude..." he chuckled demonically before flying away, leaving Blake alone.

A couple of days had passed and Sky didn't bother to attempt to contact Blake after the argument. He didn't want to be around the negativity. He had something better to do anyway. It had been over forty-two hours so he decided to head back over to Hellford Laboratories.

Making his way inside the luxurious lab, he'd turn to the reception desk. Skipping over to it, he'd smile at the woman behind it. He asked for Professor Odeh, quickly being let through two large double doors to the left of them. As he made his way, he'd be met by the smart-looking scientist. 

"Good to see you again!" Odeh smiled as he patted Freight-Tale on his back.

"You too!" he replied in a kind manner.

Leading the hero deeper into the building, they made their way past the destroyed lab where Sky's previous battle had taken place. Builders could be seen fixing the damage, starting to make our hero feel ever so slightly guilty. He felt bad for most likely disrupting research. Reaching a new area, the professor allowed Sky to enter before him through a singular metal door.

Inside, Odeh ran towards a large black containment cylinder. Confused as to its purpose, Freight-Tale would make his way over to it too. Laying his right hand on the outside of the cylinder, Sky began to wonder.

"Seems you've been drawn to it already!" the professor chuckled.

Taking a step back, his sight peered over to Odeh with a look of confusion. As he grabbed his iPad off the side, the scientist began to tap away. Seconds later, a charging sound filled the room. Watching the cylinder, the black colour quickly faded away to reveal it to be glass. Inside was a stand holding Odeh's work.

"This is the Freight-Tale suit!" he smirked.

The outfit is a two-piece. The top is a jacket with armoured plating on the front. It has a giant 'F' which overlaps the facade of the suit to keep it in place. The main colour of both pieces is a hot pink, making sure Sky would stand out as he wished. The bottom of the sleeves and trouser legs contained illustrations of fire as if rippling off him but fake. To complete the look was a belt, it was a rainbow all the way round with an orange buckle to finish it. You could see the effort put into the suit; it was tough, safe and fabulous!

Happiness began to radiate off the hero as he started to clap. Sky was bewildered by the result. He loved it. It was perfect! Looking over it again and again, Freight-Tale would just grow more excited.

"It looks amazing!" he complimented Odeh. "Thank you so much!"

The scientist smiled back at him, tapping his iPad again. The glass of the cylinder slowly but surely lowered, giving Sky access to the suit. Within a flash, Freight-Tale used his speed to get into his outfit. Stopping before Odeh, the hero placed his arms on his hips; making a heroic pose.

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