9 - Lola

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As the dust settled from the explosion, a fiery figure quickly flew out from and above the wreckage. As they looked down at the rubble, Lola noticed Father Flame. She gasped as she saw him, shaking her head in anger. Turning to face the civilians, the villain let out a demonic laugh before flying into the distance.

Lola turned to Professor Odeh, wiping tears away from her face. He too looked at her, feeling sorry for the poor girl.

"We have to get to mine..." Lola spoke before running off.

Not wanting to leave her alone, Odeh would clear his throat before following. The two would run towards a black van which they used to get here in the first place. As they both were inside, Odeh drove them through the messy London streets to the Hilling family home. A while later they arrived outside.

Forcing her way into the house, Lola began to search the downstairs. A few seconds later Odeh would walk through, stopping at the door to catch his breath. Making her way into the kitchen, Lola would spot her mother making a sandwich. Walking up to her, she forced her mother to turn and look at her causing the mum to gasp.

"Where the fuck is Dad?!" Lola interrogated her mother.

Tanya shook her head, confused. "I don't know... Why honey?"

Pushing her backwards, Lola would cross her arms as she screamed. "He just killed Ben and Sky! Look!"

Grabbing her mother's arm, Lola would tug her into the living room. Turning on the TV, she'd change the channel over to the news. On the screen was the destroyed courthouse, with police cars circling the area.

"Dad did that! He's evil!" Lola shouted.

Looking between the television and her daughter, Tanya would shake her head in disbelief.

"Why would you think that?" she asked confused.

Suddenly Odeh yelled as he was thrown before the two women. They turned to where he came from, spotting Father Flame standing there. With his hands on his hips, he watched them.

"Probably because of this... Tanya..." he chuckled.

The mother would gasp, knowing the voice of her husband. Grabbing her daughter's hand, she'd squint her eyes.

"So you killed our sons?!" she cried out loud, putting herself in front of Lola.

"They got in the way..." he growled, smashing an empty bottle to the floor.

Looking over to the bottle, Lola would instantly notice it was vodka. Dad was making more sense. He's so unstable... Because he's drunk! On the coffee table behind Lola was a glass vase of flowers. It had a blue and white pattern, looking very modern. As her mother and father yelled it out, she would take the opportunity to grab it. Pushing her mother to one side, Lola launched the vase at her father. It smashed on the helmet of his armour, covering him in water. The flames on his body would flicker as if they were damaged causing him to fall to the floor. Quickly helping Odeh to his feet, the three would run out of the house.

Reaching the outside, Lola, Tanya and Odeh made their way down the street. Running for their lives, they would not stop as they kept on going. Reaching a corner, they would quickly turn it.

Waking up, Father Flame would quickly jump to his feet.

"Bitch..." he grunted.

It only took him a few seconds to reignite some flames. When he felt strong enough, Graham quickly flew out of the house and into the air.


Graham would be sitting in some regular clothes, watching TV in the Hilling family home. With a beer in hand, the father would be alone as he enjoyed a drink. No wife, no kids. Always alone. Placing his beer can on the ground, he took out a cigarette and placed it in his mouth. Standing up, he walked over to the window as he would spark up a lighter. As his fag lit up, his eyes would settle on The Wave coming right at him.

Graham would gasp, dropping the cigarette out of his mouth. As it fell, the energy wave ripped right through the soon-to-be villain. Changing his body and mind, the drunken Graham began to flicker with flames. Father Flame was born!


Tanya would trip over, falling to her feet with her daughter soon stopping and turning. She helped her mother up before seeing her father flying directly at her. He immediately grabbed Lola, lifting her into the air. Father Flame stared her in the eyes as he shouted.

"I did this all for you kids, but you're all disappointments!"

With an aggressive force, Father Flame threw his daughter straight towards the ground. At the same time, Odeh would arrive in the Hellford van, just beside where Lola was falling. Tanya, being the woman she was, jumped right under Lola. With only one thing in mind, the mother would catch her daughter before looking at her and kissing her forehead.

"Let's get going!" she smirked, guiding Lola into the van.

Quickly Odeh pressed his foot against the gas, sending the van off speeding. But Father Flame was right behind them. He would launch hundreds of fireballs towards the vehicle, most of them hitting. The van would swerve as it got struck, nearly spinning off the road. Being the smart person he was though, Odeh was able to keep control. He headed for a tunnel, quickly driving through. Being obsessed with the chase, the villain didn't notice the tunnel and due to this, he flew right into the tunnel wall.

Giving the three time to drive off, they head for Hellford Laboratories. Arriving outside, Odeh led the women into the building. They would quickly be met by Serena who looked confused about the state of them.

"What's going on?" she asked, quickly walking over to them.

"The attacker from the other night..." Odeh coughed. "He's after us!"

Slamming a fist against her hand, Serena ran towards the opening to the other labs. She made her way through gesturing the other three to follow, which they did. Running through the hallways of Hellford, they would arrive before a large metal door. Serena clicked a pin into the wall before the door slowly opened.

"Safe room, you three get inside!" Serena announced.

Getting inside, the three would turn to Mrs Hellford as she locked the door. Nodding to them, she would quickly turn around. But then, a smashing sound would suddenly be heard; he was already here. Taking a few steps down the hall, Father Flame would land before the scientist.

"Serena Hellford..." he spoke, sounding slightly amazed.

"Yes, hello, and you are?" she chuckled slightly.

"The Father Of Flames, or Father Flame for the simpletons..." he replied.

Flying forward, he quickly tackled her to the ground. Pinning her down, the flames would erupt off his body.

"Where are they, I know they are here!" he screamed at her.

With a smile, Serena would shake her head. She refused to speak but that didn't matter.

"Leave her alone!" Lola yelled from the safe room, catching his attention.

Looking up, Father Flame would launch Serena into a wall before flying towards the large metal door. Landing in front of the safe room, he would hold his hands against the door. The three inside would begin to laugh.

"You can't get in!" Lola chuckled.

But a small laugh left Graham's lips.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that!" he laughed.

Quickly his hands began to heat up, causing the metal against his hands to begin to bubble. The inside of the safe room quickly began to get warmer as the metal door slowly but surely melted away. Finally Father Flame made his way inside, grabbing Lola by the arm and forcing her out. Throwing her onto the floor next to Serena, they were quickly joined by a tossed Odeh and Tanya.

The four would huddle together as Father Flame swiftly aimed his arms towards them. It seemed all hope was lost, they were cornered with no one coming to save them. Charging up with as much heat as he could, Father Flame released a devastating blast right at Serena, Hassan, Lola and Tanya!

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