5 - Hellford Laboratories

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Welcome to the astonishing Hellford Laboratories. Owned and run by the prestigious Serena Hellford. Based in the centre of London, this area had an important place in the history of science. They were the first place to successfully duplicate and grow mutated cells - cells that were similar to Powered People from around the planet. Even though the staff was small, the findings they discovered were vital in the different studies from around the world.

Inside one of the largest shared labs worked both professors that had been seen on the news programme that Sky had watched. Professor Odeh would be sat down at a computer with one leg crossed over the other. Going through some of his findings, a puzzled look would wash over his face. On the other side of the room was Professor Stevens, standing by a large scientific machine. It was about the size of a door, looking similar to an arcade machine, with a large glass section on top and with the mechanical parts hidden underneath. Tapping a code onto the top panel, the machine came to life; quickly shutting down only a few moments later. The older professor let out a frustrated grunt, turning towards Odeh.

"I have no idea what we've done wrong..." Stevens spoke to his co-worker.

Placing a pair of thin, black glasses onto his face; Odeh moved his body towards the direction of Stevens. Standing up from out of his chair, his height towered over his friend. Walking over to the machine, Odeh would remove a panel from the bottom, under from where the pin pad was. Playing with a few wires, he would remove a brown coloured one followed by a black one. Stevens would turn the power to this strange device off as Odeh began to slice the wires in half. After a few seconds of grafting one end of each coloured wire together, the tall scientist would pop back up and smile before securing the panel back on the bottom.

"Activate..." Odeh stated, looking over to his buddy with a determined look.

Pulling the switch back down again, Stevens would walk over the the pad and enter the same pin. Once again the large metal machine would spring to life. Blue electricity would begin to surround the machine as a large whirring sound would start to emit from it. As the professors took a step away from the device they would hear that the whirring would begin to get louder. Filling the room like the sound of an explosion, the machine would shake violently before suddenly... Stopping. The electricity died down, the noise quickly stopped and inside the machine, a purple smoke could be seen filling the top section of glass.

"You did it..." Stevens stated, looking stunned.

Walking over to the computer desk beside Odeh's, Stevens would pick up a small grey wolf plushie and smile at it.

"We did it!" he exclaimed. "We need to send the results to Dellblade, maybe even offer some to AIM!"

The two professors would turn and skip to each other like two school girls before high-fiving.

"Now we just need to get those cuffs to work!" Odeh admitted, feeling annoyed by the complications these handcuffs were causing. "Our fault that thing escaped earlier..."

As the two would indistinctively talk, in the shadows of the corridor a figure could be seen making their way towards them. One flame would flicker off the figure, catching the attention of the older scientist. Looking towards the glass double doors, another flame could be seen leaping off from the body of the figure.

Stevens took a step towards the doors. "What the..."

Within a flash, a barrage of flames shot towards the entrance, creating a shockwave that shook the floor of the building that they were in. Glass was thrown in multiple directions, only just missing Odeh but striking Stevens in the leg. As the older fellow fell to the floor with blood starting to leak from his wound, the armoured firey figure walked into view. Quickly the flames erupted from his armour slits as a small cackle left the man.

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