What it Means to be Master

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Sting's POV

What does it mean to be master of a guild? To care, to protect, to watch and love your guild members. Recently I've failed. I've betrayed my guildmembers and stolen from them. I didn't want too but I did for my best friend. Never have I ever felt such agony as I do right now. Fighting Rogue, we grew up together, me and him and our cats. Fighting my friends, fighting my family, it hurts more than anything you could imagine. It's pisses me off, but that all comes from one source, from Crunch. He did this. He kidnapped Yukino, he catnapped Lector. He will pay for this. 

No One's POV

"Sting!" Yukino, Lucy, Lector, and Frosch called out. 

Sting could hear his name being called out with his good hearing. What caught his attention wasn't the yelling but a specific voice among it. A small yet boyish voice calling his name. He knew it well, ever since he was a child. Sting turned, not caring if he was fighting with Rogue as he spotted Yukino holding Lector up in the air. For Sting, it was like Deja vu back to the Grand Magic Games. After he thought Lector had died and he was being kept in some location, when he saw Lector alive, Sting felt like a little boy being reunited with his best friend.

"Lector!" Sting yelled before Rogue punched him.

"Rogue, you didn't have to do that." Minerva said.

"He had it coming." Rogue explained. Despite the joy Rogue felt that Sting would side with them and the joy that he would soon be reunited with his friend Lector, Rogue did feel Sting was owed a few punches for the pain and tricks he caused Sabertooth. 

As Sting reached his feet, his personality was restored.

"What the hell was that for!" He asked Rogue.

"The explosion at the Guild, abandoning it. The list goes on. It's simple compensation for everything you'd done." Rogue explained. 

"Sting!" Crunch yelled.  "Destroy them!" But Sting didn't dare to turn on his guild again. Lector was safe and the guild of Abyss Horn had nothing on him anymore. Nothing to blackmail him or threaten him with.

"No!" Sting said, "You messed with the wrong guild." Sting said. 

"You forget, we still have your Celestial Wizard's keys."

"That may be so." Minerva said, "However we will gladly take them by force." 

A member of Abyss Horn came running up to Crunch and whispered in his ear. Crunch simple nodded before he spoke.

"I'll give you one last chance." 

"Sting will never side with you. Not ever again." Rogue insisted.

"So be it. Take aim." Crunch said. From the other side of the courtyard, the cannon, the very cannon Sting had incinerated years ago when Yukino was kidnapped was somehow forged again. Although this one was mobile, it was there, aimed at the ledge Lucy, Yukino, and Frosch and Lector were standing at.

"Fire!" Crunch yelled.

"Yukino! Lector!" Sting yelled.

"Yukino!" Minerva yelled.

"Frosch!" Rogue yelled.

"Lucy!" Natsu and Erza yelled. 

In sync with each other, Sting and Natsu ran towards the ledge, but the bottom cement was hit, and the ledge came crashing down. Dust and debris surronded them as they tried to get through the fog.

"Lucy!" Natsu yelled desperate.

"Lector! Yukino!"

"Sting, up here." Sting heard Lector. Sting and Natsu looked to the air were Lector and Frosch flew.

"Where's Lucy?"

"Lector, where's Yukino?"

"They slipped. We reached for them, but the ground gave away." Lector explained.

"No." Minerva said as she joined Sting in the rumble.

"Lucy!" Erza called out.


There was a knock. A knock like on glass. 

"We are in here. She says relieved." Natsu popped up recognizing that sound.

"I know that voice. Clock guy? Is that you?" Natsu asked.

"Who?" Minerva asked confused.

"I believe it's horologium. She says softly." Horologium said for Yukino. Natsu began digging through the rubble when he found Yukino, and Lucy squeezed into Horologium. It wasn't a tight fit but the two did seem squished together.

The two got out as Natsu held Lucy up to Erza. "I found her!"

"It's not a game of hide and seek. You don't need to brag." Lucy said. 

Sting helped Yukino out before he pulled her in a hug. "I'm so sorry Yukino." Sting said. Yukino was surprised, she didn't expect an apology nor did she want one. She could understand Sting's motives and why he had done what he did. "I'm sorry for all the trouble and caused."

"Sting, you don't need to be sorry. I understand. We all do. There is nothing more important than our friends." Yukino added. 

"Hurry up and take aim." Crunch said to his guild. 

Sting was infuriated. He has had enough of Crunch. Years ago, he kidnapped Yukino. Now he kidnapped Lector and tried to kill him and Yukino with the cannon. Sting was done.

"Your days of kidnapping are over Crunch." Sting said. "You messed with Sabertooth and Fairy tail. Normally that would make for a good combination, but you're a dark guild, you crossed the line."

"I say it's time to teach this guild what happens when you mess with Fairy Tail and Sabertooth." Natsu said joining Sting.

"You think I'm scared of you? I'm the master of Abyss Horn-"

"You are no Master." Sting said going into Dragon Force mode, "A master looks out for the guild, treats its members like family, and never gives up on them. You stick by your guild mates through the thick and thin and never turn your back on them. That is what it means to be Master." Sting said. 

Without hesitation, Sting and Natsu geared up.

"Fire Dragon Roar!"

"White Dragon Holy Roar!" They said as they roared, and the magic joined together into a White Fire Dragon Holy Roar. The cannon as well as the ruins behind the were completely irradicated and the guild members all turned to white. 

Sting and Natsu went through the cannon remain and found the missing golden zodiac keys. Both Yukino and Lucy cherished their keys as soon as they got them back. 

"Again, I'm sorry for taking them. I'm sorry to you too Lucy." Sting said.

"It's alright. You did it to save Lector. I can understand that." 

"Again, I'm sorry Yukino."

"Stop apologizing. You did what you had to. You don't need to apologize for that. Your heart was in the right place. I'm just glad you back home." Yukino said hugging Sting. "I'm glad you're both back." She said she stepped back and picked up Lector.


A/N: I'm sorry, I know it has been a month or so. I'm sorry about that. I apologize and the next chapter may be a short one just a head sup, anyway, I hope you have enjoyed this chapter.

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