Memories of the Past

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No One's POV

In the guild of Sabertooth they all have days they don't wish to remember. But there is a girl who has memories than soon will come back to haunt her.

'Yukino's Room

Yukino tosses and turns in her bed as the memories return to her only in her dreams.

Yukino's POV

'Yukino's Dream

A man crushed under wood and building lying on the floor. Flames and ashes surrounding me. Around me i see adults slaughtered as fire rises around me. I see the masks in the fire. It was burned in the fire. A woman lying on the floor with her hair covering her eyes and not a breath coming out. Puncher wounds on her stomach and back. A little girl in the rubble crying and pleading for her life. a man with a mask standing in front of her. The little girl held onto her deceased mothers hand. She closed her eyes as she was about to die when a man crossed in front saving her life. slowly she saw him fall to his knees.

the memory was ingolfed in flames. the only thing she saw was a forest and a town set on fire no buildings left standing and she could hear faint words.

"Run...Run...go, and don't look back." Then it was over.

'dream ends'

Yukino wakes up with tears in her eyes. She is terrified and pulls her legs close. She stayed up without falling asleep again and she woke up to head downstairs to the guild hall. She sat down at her normal table and poundered her dream. She hadn't had a dream like that in years. 

"Something wrong?" Minerva said as she walked up.

"Didn't get enough sleep." Yukino said.

"I know the feeling. How about we make some of those float cookies for the master when he and Rogue come back from their job." Minerva suggested.

"Why not?" Yukino said.

"We'll get Rufus to tell us the reciepe and Orga can be the taste tester." Minerva said. 

3 hours later

"We're back." Sting yelled almost knocking down the door.

"And we brought a new guild member." Lector said coming in. Behind them came a girl with dark blue hair and pale skin. She had a Sabertooth guild mark on her neck.

Minerva and Yukino walked out of the kitchen with trays of cookies. Yukino stopped at the site of the girl and dropped her tray. 

"oh, i'm so sorry." Yukino said picking up the tray and trying to grab the cookies.

"It's fine Yukino, we made a lot." Minerva said helping her. Yukino placed the tray on the table as the other went to greet the new guild member. 

"I'm Minerva."

"I'm Cassie." Yukino looked at her guild mark then asked to speak with Sting. Sting, Yukino, and Lector went into Sting's office.

"What's up Yukino?" Sting asked.

"It's nice of you to bring that girl here. Cassie right?" Yukino said.

"Yeah, we met her on our job she helped us out. She said she was a wizard looking to go into a guild and i offered it to her." Sting said. 

"What kind of magic does she have?" Yukino asked. 

"Teleportation magic." Sting said "Why are you asking so many questions?" Sting asked.

"First off i only asked one. you just gave a mouthful of an answer." Yukino said. "I just was curious she looks familiar that's all." Yukino said as she headed to the door. "I didn't get much sleep, i'm going to take a nap. let me know if you need anything." Yukino said.

"No problem. get some sleep." Sting said.

Yukino was in her room when she heard a knock on the door. 

"Come in." Yukino said.

"Hey, Yukino it's Minerva and Cassie. We are kind of looking for a place to stay and i thought maybe you to could stay together." Minerva said. Yukino looked at Cassie who seemed shy.

"Sure." Minerva left Cassie with Yukino. 

"You don't have to stand. Sit." Yukino said moving her keys from her chair by a desk.

"Your a celestial Wizard?" Cassie asked.

"Don't act like you don't know. Dearest cousin." Yukino said. 

"Good. I wasn't planning on keeping up this good girl act." Cassie said. 

"No tell me, we haven't seen each other in years. What are you doing here? In my Guild." Yukino said.

"It's my guild too." Cassie said.

"You'll never be apart of Sabertooth." Yukino said.

"You say that but it is you who won't be apart of Sabertooth. I come baring news for you."

"And what is that." Yukino asked.

"Father would like a word with you he wants to see his favorite child or else. If i were you i'd see what he wants. We both know what he's capable of." Cassie said giving Yukino a smirk.

"If i don't go...?"

"You can kiss Sabertooth goodbye." Cassie said.


I know it has been months since last updating this. i have no excuse but i will let you know since fairy tail episode are coming out i am for sure going to be updating hopefully every week or more. by the way Fairy Tail season 9 episodes 1 and 2 are on youtude in English sub just to let you know. i can't wait for the rest of the season. hope you enjoy.

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