Ways to Escape

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"What are we gonna do know?" Gajieel asked.

"We are going to go rescue them." Jellal said.

"How?" Gajieel asked.

"When the men brought the girls in you could hear the sound of waves." Natsu said.

"And Kagura was covered in dirt and Lucy was covered in sand." Sting said.

"So that means the girls are near the ocean but on dry land." Gajieel said catching on.

"I thought Mira, Elfmen, and Bickslow were checking all the coast." Laxus said.

"they have a boat so they probably hid it so Mira couldn't see it then they took her too." Jellal said.

"So that would mean an underwater cave that leads to an underground cave." Rogue said.

"To the library." Natsu said. They found a map of all the Underground caves near the ocean and one by one they checked them hoping to find the girls. The arrived at the 3rd to last cave where they heard voices coming from the cave. 

"I'm all fired up." Natsu said his famous line.

Lucy's POV

We were all taken back to our cell soon after. Ophiuchus, Leo, and Scorpio remained with the man who i heard his name is Kijo. My magic was coming back slowly thanks to Leo trading places with Aries but it still was being drained.

"What do we do?" Yukino asked.

"It's likely that after they pay the ransom they will still keep us and sell us to the highest bidder." Levy said.

"We need to find a way to escape. First we need to find away out of this cell." Erza said.

"As i said before this metal is easy to break. Do any of you have a rock or something strong?" Levy asked.

"Wait Levy i have a better idea." I said.

"Yukino me and you can act as if we have comeplete run out of magic power becasue of our celesial spirts. They will have to allow us to close their gates. We make a distraction so the guards come this way." I said.

"You can summon one of your spirts to unlock the cage and they can escape." Yukino said.

"But what if you get caputered again?" Levy said.

"We'll have your back." Erza said placing her hand on Lucy's shoulder.

"Now let's get this show on the road." Kagura said.

Laxus's POV

We were sent to every coast. Me and Jellal head for the coast of Magnolia. Rogue and Sting head for the coast of Crocus and Gajeel and Natsu head out to check the forest areas in between. I'm surprised they brought Mira down. Mira was former S-class. I can see sometimes she ain't what she use to be but when it comes down to it she brings out the devil.

I stepped on something that when I touched Jellal it shocked him.

"Ow!" He said as he took a step away.

"Sorry I-," I was cut off by my thinking. The only way i'd be able to shock Jellal without trying to. I got on my hands and knees and began to search through the ground. I knocked and ripped the grass as my hands hit hard metal. 

Jellal moved back to a rock and moved some grass from it and saw a key pad.

"Great. There are thousands of codeds it could be." Laxus said.

"Got it." Jellal said as the hatch revealed a handle.

"What was the key?" I asked.

"1234." Jellal said as we pulled open the door. 

I pulled out a phone to radio the other were we are. (If you've read the Manga you'll know they now have Phones. or Wakie talkies.)

"We found an entrance. Just off the coast of Crocus in the woods. There's a big rock with a handle. We'll wait for you." Jellal said.


That's all I got for today. I'm trying to write other stories so it's a lot. But i'm still going. I hope you liked this so far. I have an idea I want to put in this story but after they all get away and stuff. One hint 

Snake Charmer


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