Halloween Party

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Halloween is coming and all the guilds of Fiore are looking forward to seeing each other again. The fairy Tail guild has planned a party to which all guilds are to come to. At Sabretooth, everyone is putting on costumes and getting ready to meet the guilds at an abandon hotel. 

Rogue's POV

"Why exaclty is the party at an old hotel?" Rufus asked.

"Natsu convinced Erza to have it there." Sting said.

"Oh good." Rufus said.

"So one we are going to die or two someones going to die." Orga said entering the hall. Orga was dressed as a professor which didn't really suite him. Rufus was a Libaraian. Rogue dared Sting to dress up as Lector so that's what Sting is and Rogue is Frosch. Soon Minerva and Yukino came down and Minerva was a porcelain doll while Yukino was a sabertooth. Minerva wore a purple dress with a white lanced design at the top and wore black make up and made cracks in the face. Yukino wore sabertooth ears with furry sweater and white leggings with furry boots and a furry short skirt.

"Nice outfit Minerva. Very scary." Rufus said.

"Thanks." Mineva said. You could see Yukino trying to cover her legs more.

"Nice costume Yukino. Way to show team spirt." I said. I noticed from the corner of my eye a certain dragon slayer glaring at me.

"Team spirt." I said.

"You guys ready?" Sting asked as we all nodded.

'1 hour

No one's POV

"Yah sweet sold ground." Sting and Rogue said as they fell to the ground.

"Welcome glad you could make it." Erza said as she stood besides Jellal.  There were tables of food to the right and a stage right in front of the hotel.

"It's good to see you again Erza." Minerva said.

"You too." Erza said as she hugged Minerva

"ugh-gh y-yeah. Y-you can put me d-down now." Minerva barely spoke.

"Oh Sting, Natsu is over by the food. If you wish to fight with him then fight away from the food. especially the strawberry cake." Erza advised.

"Thanks, Erza." With that Sting took off heading towards the food.

"Yukino Lucy is with Levy at the Punch bowl." Erza said still hugging Minerva. Minerva was trying to escape her clutches but couldn't.

"Thanks Erza." Yukino said to go find Lucy.

"Rogue I see your taking care of yourself." A dark voice says from behind Rogue. Rogue turns to see Gajeel.

"Indeed. Sabertooth has taught me well." Rogue said.

"Nice costume by the way." Gajeel said as he began to laugh.

"Yeah go ahead and laugh." Rogue said. Gajeel wore a batman costume.

"By the way where is that frog-cat of yours?" Gajeel asked.

"CAT! He's right her-," Rogue paused to see Frosch missing, "Not Again!" He yelled.

"Here we'll help you find him. Lily" Gajieel said looking at Lily.

"Right." Lily said before taking of and flying over looking for Frosch.

'by the punch bowl

"Hey Lucy." Yukino shouted as she embraced her Celestial Friend.

"Yukino. It's so good to see you again. I love your costume." Lucy said.

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