Fake Date?

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Yukino's POV

"I have to say I'm a little confused. Sorano has been writing letters to me from her mission team up with Midnight. She is supposed to be coming back soon but she is asking me about my boyfriend. I don't have a boyfriend. I've tried to ask her about what she means, where she got this idea from. She won't tell me only that she can't wait to meet him. I don't understand it. How on earth did this topic come about?"

"Did you ever discuss having a boyfriend?" Minerva asked as we sat together.

"N-no. Never."

"Huh, that's strange indeed."

"What am I supposed to do? She due back any day now?"

"Just tell her you don't have a boyfriend. Unless you do."

"I don't but she's really insistent on meeting him. Almost like she knows I have a boyfriend and I've been hiding it, but there is no boy. Or like a false rumor somewhere."

"You think someone would tell Sorano you have a boyfriend when you don't? Why?" Minerva asked.

"I-I don't know." Yukino said as Dobengal walked up.

"A letter for you." He spoke.

"Thanks." Yukino said as she opened the letter. It was from Sorano. "Oh." Yukino said.


"She wants to have dinner with me and my not-real-boyfriend when she gets back." Yukino said as she put her head on the table, "What am I going to do?"

Minerva thought to herself for a moment. Then she got it. "What if you did exactly what she wants?"

"What?" Yukino asked confused.

"If Sorano is expecting to meet your boyfriend, why don't you just introduce her to a boy...friend."

"What do you mean?"

"You know, find a fake boyfriend. Someone who can pretend to be your boyfriend while your sister visits someone can take her on another job and then boom, a casual breakup. Problem solved."

"Or I could just tell her I have no boyfriend."

"True, but then again it's classic behavior for a big sister. They are excited they was the gossip. However, when she finds out you don't have a boyfriend, she will naturally want to get you a boyfriend. You're beautiful Yukino and single and prime age. She will then start to set you up and she will meddle in your life until you have at least dated someone. This way you can kill two birds with one stone." As crazy as it sounded, it made some sense. But who?

"Alright, but who would be my fake boyfriend?"

"Easy, it's easier if it's a guy you already know. A guy you are friends with." Minerva said with a grin, "I know just the Boy...friend for you to fake date."

-The Next Day

Sorano walked into Sabertooth and searched, scanning the hall for Yukino. She hadn't seen Yukino in what felt like forever and yes wanted nothing more than to catch up and meet her sister's boyfriend.

"Yukino!" Sorano yelled as she spotted Yukino sitting next to Minerva. 

"Sorano, you're back." Yukino said swinging her legs over the bench to greet her sister. Sorano thrusted herself at Yukino and hugged her tightly.

"I counted the days until I'd see you again." Sorano confessed before she pulled herself away. "Now where is that boyfriend of yours\'s I've heard so much about?"

"He's over there." Minerva said gesturing to a certain spiky blonde hair White Dragon Slayer. 

"Hi Sorano." Sting said with a smile.

"Sorano, Sting, Sting, Sorano." Yukino began.

I hope this works. Yukino, Sting, and Minerva thought.

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