Chapter 44: A Bad Mistake

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~ Isabelle's POV ~

Once Roxy's service elevator comes to a stop we all get out of the elevator. However Freddy and Monty told us that we had to through Roxy's room in order to get back out to Rockstar Row.

That meant Gregory and I had to get back into Freddy and Monty so we do after Gregory opens a gift that was right before the door that allows you to enter the room.

Once inside Freddy and Monty I noticed something that I didn't before. It honestly sounded like Roxy was sobbing in her room. Like even though Monty is kinda my new favorite it made me wonder if she was ok however I don ask until after we get through Roxy's room.

In fact before we entered I heard her say something

Roxy: "I'm not a loser..."

That made me question even more stuff about her. However when we got to close to the door it opened and she gets distracted

Roxy: "Who's there!"

We then back up that's when she continues

Roxy: "It's nothing, don't get distracted! Don't be a loser! Get back out there! Those kids were just lucky"

That's when both Freddy and Monty walk into her room and she immediately reacts

Roxy: "Freddy! Monty! Get out of my room!"

Glamrock Freddy: "We are terribly sorry Roxy. It is just that we were down in Parts and Service because I needed some maintenance done and your elevator is the only one that is currently working to get back up to Rockstar Row"

Roxy: "Whatever! Just Get Out!!"

Glamrock Freddy: "We're going, We're going"

With that boot Freddy and Monty left her room as quick as they could. In fact Roxy leaves her room soon after to start looking for me and Gregory again. Once she was gone both Freddy and Monty let us out again. That's when I asked what was wrong with Roxy

Isabelle: "Monty, was Roxy just crying because it sure sounded like it"

Monty: "Yep, she was"

Isabelle: "Why? Is she ok?"

Monty: "She's fine."

Isabelle: "You sure? You're not exactly answering it completely"

~ Glamrock Freddy's POV ~

As soon as Isabelle said that I saw Monty was about to answer but I got it before he did

Glamrock Freddy: "Isabelle, Let me explain rather than Monty."

Isabelle: "Ok"

Glamrock Freddy: "Monty is correct yes in the sense that Roxy is fine. However the reason why you heard her crying is because even with as self-centered and narcissistic as Roxanne may act she actually has severe low self esteem. It is why she says the things she says. It is to boost her ego and self confidence."

Isabelle: "Aw, poor Roxy"

Glamrock Freddy: "Yes. In fact that is why Monty has a hard time explaining it. It is because he himself also has a somewhat low self confidence"

Monty: "Hey! No Ah don't!"

Glamrock Freddy: "Really? Because I've heard you say that sometimes you also feel not good enough at times."

Monty: "I've never!"

Glamrock Freddy: "What about...Bonnie..."

Monty: "I....*sighs*...Please don't bring him up"

Glamrock Freddy: "See, you still believe that  Bonnie was better than you and that he always will be better than you. You believe that you will never be as good as he was"

As soon as I brought that up that's when Monty goes silent and looks away with his arms crossed he had even teared up a little.

Monty: "B-Because Ah won't be! *chokes* Ah never will be! *gasps* Ah know that cottontail was loved more than me! He always has been! A-Ah know he has! *coughs* J-Just look at me I-I'm a monster compared to him! A-Ah don't deserve the love Ah get for someone who ain't an original! I-I'm just a stupid fuckin' replacement! That's all Ah am! That's all I'll ever be seen as to everyone! *says under breath*....what Ah did to him is unforgivable..."

Glamrock Freddy: "Monty...."

I was about to touch his arm to calm him down but he reacts instead and that's when I knew I had made a HUGE mistake.


As he said that he jolts his arm away then sprints off to his green room. After that I immediately tried calling him back

Glamrock Freddy: "Monty! Wait!"

However he doesn't listen making me feel bad for what I said and brought up. Bonnie has always been a sensitive topic for me considering I've known him all my life even before the Pizzaplex was even a thought. He was my first boyfriend.

It just strange that ever since the past few years as of lately it's like bonnie became a sensitive topic for Monty as well for some reason when Bonnie's name didn't bother him before. Now it does.

It's like every time Bonnie is brought up Monty either gets all worked up and upset as if he regrets something or doesn't care at all. And as of right now it was the one where he gets all worked up. Meaning as soon as I spoke Bonnie's name... I knew I fucked up.

Glamrock Freddy: *says under breath* "Shit."

And I'm ending it there. Look I know it was shorter than normal but I just felt like this was a perfect place to end for some reason. So with that being said I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter it was approximately 963 words in all by the end of it it so until next time...
"Stay Awesome, Stay Safe, Have A Great Day Wherever You May Be And Remember I Love You All And I Will See You Guys Escalater Peace Out My Pups" ;3

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