Ch.9 Aftermath

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Shisui's POV
Me and Annabel, who was carrying a now com Itachi in her arms, were walking through the forest back the clan compound, when I heard the slight sound of leafs rustling coming from my right. I throughout my arm to stop Annabel, who gave me an annoyed look but she didn't argue back. She must've heard it to. She casually adjusted Itachi closer to her chest, right hand closer to her katana's hilt.

I saw her violet eyes dart to the right, before she let out a loud kweh, only to have two more kweh reply, "Just what I thought," she muttered happily. I gave her a funny look and whispered, "What?"

Completely ignoring me, Adabel walk over in the direction that she had looked in earlier, "Hey!" I shouted in protest not liking the idea of her going off on her own, "Come on, Shisui, I think were about discover where Sarah and Rosary have an disappear into every day," Annabel shouted over shoulder.

I realize that the stubborn brunette was not about to turn around and walk back to the compound. Releasing a heavy sigh I muttered to myself, "Angie going to kill me for this later. I just know it. Annabel! Wait up!" I shouted once I notice she was starting to get a little too forward for me for my liking. Who knew were Robert was! Running to catch up with her. I finally caught up to her only a few meters away from the entrance of look like a grotto?

And without hesitation, Annabel walk directly in. Me close on her tail. Until we have stepped into the cleaning. I had a notice to very familiar chocohens standing no more than 6 meters in front of us. when I had not expected was a black and white, "Chocobo, two male chocobos. Not only that, but you two have been adopted by a mated pair of Wild Chocobos. This is remarkable! Absolutely remarkable!"

"Why except for this remarkable?" I asked immediately regretting it, when I got to be wielded look from her, then a dark One , and then went to brightened. Oh boy I was in for a lecture, "Shisui, Multi colored chocobos, like Sarah, Rosary, the black and white male, And this green and blue male, are extremely rare now a days. I thought Rosary and Sarah were the last two in existence. That's why this is so remarkable."

Suddenly small churches flooded my ears. Looking down so it looks like to be a small baby chicken?

"Hi there little fella. Now aren't you a cute little chicobo." Acting down, she could to the i'm guessing baby chocobo?

"What's a Chicodo?" I asked not sure if I had pronounced it correctly.

"No, Shisui it's pronounced chicobo not chicodo, silly," Annabel corrected me, while giggling. She's actually giggling and it's quite pretty. I swallowed a large lump in my throat. she spoke up again once she knew I finally was paying attention again, "And, Shisui, to answer your earlier question a chicobo is what a baby chocobo is called. That makes sense?"

I just nodded, before Annabel spoke again, "We should probably getting back now. It look like it's starting to get dark and anyway Itachi starting to get fussy. he missed having his midday bottle with this afternoons whole drama," and she was right. So we started heading back home through the treetops. all Chocobos from the clearing, including rosary and Sarah, followed us back to the clan compound.

Annabel be going to softly hum, the tune helping to calm down my younger cousin somewhat instead of whimpering he looked up at Annabel his onyx eyes slightly drooping, further we got along into a journey back home, chocobos in tow. She began to softly sing a song I had never heard before but like nonetheless.

"You call me out, upon the waters

The great unknown, where feet might fail

And there, I find you, in the mystery

In ocean deep, my faith will stand

I will call upon your name

And keep my eyes above the waves

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