Ch.3 unexpected reunion

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???'s POV

Me and my fellow black ops anbu, a wolf demon by the name of Koga, quickly darted off in the direction of where the mysterious blue orb had landed. Upon arriving at our destination. Koga and I could sense four unfamiliar chakra in the clearing up ahead. The four strangers' chakra felt off somehow I couldn't put my finger on exactly why it's out off it just did. But this wasn't making me or my companion more alert but instead had the offset affect on us. Instead it calmed us. Just because of the chakra's change calming affect every few to let my guard down.

Trees around the meadow, long grass coming up to the middle of my lower leg, sway back-and-forth in a soft gentle breeze. animals of all the different shapes and sizes conga greeted in the clearing. The clear blue orb of energy now that I could see it more closely have four fingers in it, two girls with long hair bleaching the middle of their backs into massive birds their wings folded tightly to their sides. The girls seem to be going around in circles they were each in the fetal position. One hand clasping tightly to the others each of the girls other hand seem to be holding something to the girls chest. The birds had their talents tightly grabbing onto the girls' waste. (Image above is a both twins I had to combine it there's honestly no other way for me to do it and all pictures and videos I ever use in the stated otherwise are not mine)

Two female wild dogs sat directly in front of the spear, large ears perked for listening for any sound, around their necks were ninja dog leaf headbands tight on my blue satin cloth. One of the two canines' flicked her right ear in our direction as I accidentally stepped on a twig in my attempt to quietly get closer to the orb. Shortly after said female turned her head toward to me her amber eyes looking directly into my own Onyx ones. The same thing was happening with my partner forest green locking onto blue.
Suddenly thousands of voice cry out in unison.


All the animals immediately crouched down ready to attack, all gazes solely locked on the 'intruders' which in this case happens to be us. Slowly the animals creep towards us intending to attack us, slowly with drawing a kunai from the lag pouch strapped to his right lag. Koga held the blade at the ready to throw it if need be. Meanwhile I simply held up my hands in defense trying not to provoke the animals anymore then my demon companion probably already had.

A loud feminine voice boomed out across the meadow causing all the animals to hold in their approach and back down ironically enough creating a pathway directly toward the orb, "That is enough! They are not intruders they are meant to be here! Back down now! Before I make you back down! And I will not be gentle about it either! Do you hear me! Let them pass! NOW! THAT'S AN ORDER!"

Heating the order the animals hold of their approach and eagerly made a pathway for us. I raised an eyebrow, but with forward anyway, Koga not that far behind me. As we passed by the animals, they looked at me before bound their heads in respect? Well that's not something you see every day. Once we arrived at the orb I could feel the warmth radiating off of it. I cock my head to the side and remove my mask Koga, following my example, promptly did the same.

I look down towards the two females canine, now standing to either side of the sphere, they turn their heads towards the animals gathered behind us and let out a soft whimpers two male canines, one an albino wild dog with red eyes and the other a brown and white wolf with emerald green eyes, the albino nuzzling his head with the green eyed female, while the wolf knows what his head with the amber eyed female. The two males set down on the respective sides of their female.

The amber eyed wild dog spoke up her voice like silk, "I am Elizabeth, the green eyed one is my sister Keira, the albino male is her mate Hercules, the male wolf by my side is my mate Hero," pausing Elizabeth tilted her head toward upwards sniffing the air slightly to cut the scent of whatever she was trying to find before speaking again, "According to your scents I take it you are Uchiha Shisui and you must be his partner Okami Koga, or am I mistaken?"

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