Ch.18 Dragons?!

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Aurora's cat ears laid flat against her head, partially muffling any sound entering them, as she cursed any deity that would dare listen for taking away three of the six people that meant the world to her. Aurora could not feel her human ears, they had become dull, toned out, completely numb. The only sound that was coming clearly through either of her ears were the loud sobs of a grief stricken Shisui Uchiha.

A few moments of silences past, Shisui's heart wrenching sobs being the only thing to fill the silence, but Aurora had realized something was not right.

Where were the blood curling screams of agony? Where was the putrid scent of their freshly spilled blood? Where was the sound of them hitting the rocks? Why does it sound like something was flapping? With those wings? Had some Celestial birds come to their aid? No!

The sound of beating wings was too loud and too strong sounding to be that of any winged member of the Celestial birds, could it? Why does it smell like Burning embers and was that a meadow of wildflowers she smelled? What was going on?

'Wait! There's still a chance that they're life,' The dark skinned Inuneko thought, excited by the mirror thought that her sisters and charge were still alive. As Aurora quickly shot to her feet, she ran to the cliff edge. Stopping about a meter away from the edge, white furred Kasaitora got onto her hands and knees to look over the edge, when two massive shadows came barreling up the side of the cliff. The two massive creatures had startled Aurora so bad she let out a short shriek of surprise.

The two creatures, dragoness, landed with a barely audible thud, three certain people held tightly within their front talents. Aurora cried out in relief, "Ann! Ang! You two are alive! Is Nyx, Marine, and Faeyete alright? Is anyone severely injured?" And their war went off into her little mini rant see if they were okay.

"Ssssssissssssssy! We're fine!" The six year olded, spotted car eared, tiger striped wolf tailed, savanna grass brown cat like eyed, Nyx, whined, as her caretaker began to fuss over her. Sfter the two dragoness let go of their five passengers. Aurora had immediately rushed to make sure not a single scratch was on her three charges, Marine, the female Griffin, and Faeyete, a female fox, wolf, cheetah, leopard, swan, and eagle, were okay.

The commotion had gain the attention of the other shinobi, who caustically approach the two massive fire breathing lizards standing directly behind their team leaders. The two female dragons both easily stood around three heads taller in their team leaders, who were both an impressive 5'4.

One of the winged reptiles had five large golden spikes, about the size of a grown man's hand, going in a straight line along her neck, stopping at the junction of where her neck met her back. A smaller set of the golden spikes started up again at the base of her tail and travel down the whole length of it, stopping right before they reach the end. She had to golden horns on her muzzle, one of her nose and one in between her eyes. Two golden spike shot of the back of her head, it's about a meter long with a slight curve towards the end. Four smaller golden spikes, about 6 cm long, sprouted from either side of her head. All four of her paws were dagger like golden talents. Her eyes are a piercing silver color. Are scales are as white as freshly fallen snow. The underside of her wing is the same as shade of gold as her horns and talents, she has one horn on each of her wings. On her left shoulder is a golden marking, A Golden heart with two crimson wings spread out to either side of it. On her left flank is a massive scar cutting diagonally from the top part of her left flank to the lower half of it.

The other female dragon, standing to the right of her sister, is one solid color an absolute gorgeous shade of icy blue. For eyes I shocking vivid emerald green. On her for head is a solid green nightingale, its wings spread it to either side of it. Her talents on the other hand are light sea blue. The only horns on her entire body are two situated at the crown of her head, shape identical to that of her sister's, the same shade of sea blue as her talents. Flapping her wings a few times, reveals the underside of her wings are a deep midnight blue.

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