Chapter 5

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Before I start here's some quirk knowledge,

Quirk - Siren

Includes -

Sonokinesis- the ability to control sound. This can be used to go beyond one's current vocal ability, allowing one to project one's voice or any other noise at extremely high/low decibels, or to change the tone/pitch/volume of any desired sound, as well as what sound is projected (or how many sounds). This ability can even convert regular sound waves into concussive blasts.

Changes the users body into that of a semi aquatic creature with extreme use or from the level of power the user is trying to bring out, the further they go into this form the more there strength and speed are enhanced. The user is also able to fly in this form. The design for the form is the photo on the cover of the book as well as the one at the top. You can make the design cover more/less of your body if you want this is just what the original looks like. Your body, your choice. Also you can change the color scheme if you'd like that's just what I was thinking of.

Mind control - user is able to control living things using their voice as long as it is done harmoniously

Drawback: after overuse vocal chords begin to dry out and airflow thins, also the more people you control the harder it is to control them. Another drawback is they have to be within range of hearing you to be manipulated (tho that goes without saying).
"Y/n l/n, you're up," everyone turned to look at me. I stepped up to the plate where Aizawa was standing. "You know what to do throw it as hard as you can using your quirk." Aizawa said look at his distance tracker.

"You can throw it whenever,"

"Come on you got this y/n, you just have to throw it far. Or atleast farther than Bakugou," I whispered under my breath.

"I know I said you could throw it whenever but preferably today y/n,"

"Right," I said with a nervous smile on my face

I transformed into my semi aquatic form and threw the ball as hard as I could and when it broke the sound barrier the first time I used it to push the ball further.

"868.96 meters," Aizawa said still in his obviously usual monotone.

"Woah," the class cheered and whooped as I reverted back to my usual form with now tattered clothing from my sudden appendages.

"Um Mr. Aizawa , Can I please have some new clothes please?" I asked Aizawa as he looked up he saw the state of my clothes and determined what to do.

"Midoriya please take y/n to go get new clothes," Midoriya looked up and looked at me, but he wasn't the only one.

"That's fucking dumb, stupid deku hasn't even gone yet!" Bakugou spoke in his usual loud, brash tone. Aizawa just rolled his eyes in a sort of "I don't have enough fucks left to give" kind of way.

I looked back at Bakugou, it was so weird seeing him like this I mean he was acting way I assume he usually did but it felt off.

"Fine, Midoriya you can go now and after you'll take y/n to get new clothes." Aizawa said while starting to get lost in thought.

As Midoriya stepped up to the plate, it was obvious that he was also about to get lost in thought. "To be honest I don't really get why they are thinking about this so hard, but I don't really care as long as I can get some clothes on soon," I thought to myself as I started to feel the chill of the warm late summer breeze.

But suddenly it started get warmer, I looked back to see that Bakugou was now standing behind me. His body heat radiated off him like a warm campfire his oh so familiar smell of caramel and melted sugar wafted into my nose and I felt... safe.

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