Chapter 18

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"I see you, from your eyes, your smile,"
As we touch down in Yokohama city, I'm exhausted. It's been a grueling week of doing hero work with Ryukyu and Nejire, the patrolling, the paperwork, the fans, the paperwork, the villains of the day, the paperwork, and did I forget to mention the paperwork. Why are there so many forms and documents to fill out and sign?

We have so much to do all at once, it's seriously overwhelming. I stretch out the exhaustion and soreness from my bones after landing and yawn. "You two have been a big help this week, I want to reward you for your efforts. Let's go get boba."

I perk up at the sound of Ryukyu's delicious proposal, "Yes please!"

We change into regular street clothes and walk into the nearest boba shop. Nejire is dressed in another American 2000s movie style outfit, this time legally blonde, with an outfit much like the one Elle woods wore in the court scene.

"Another outfit from an American classic, huh?"

"Ofcourse, I even taught Ryukyu how to bend and snap!" At this my eyes widen and Ryukyu goes rigid in front of us. I turn my head towards Ryukyu and begin to open my mouth.

"If you a say anything, I'll fire you."

I effectively shut my mouth but not for long, "Come on please Ryukyu! You have to show me!!"

Ryukyu is cherry red as we enter the nova shop, "please, please, please, pleeeasee!" I beg her.

"Come on Ryukyu don't let all my hard work go to waste now, you just got to bend," Nejire bends down as if she is reaching for something. Then she abruptly pops up, pushing her boobs up, "And snap!"

"Yea see," I say joining in. "You gotta bend and snap," I do it with Nejire. "Bend and snap!"

Ryukyu is blushing so hard from embarrassment it hurts, so eager to get over with she does it once quickly with us, "bend and snap! There happy!" She says while having her eyes closed and I snap a picture, "Wait what I didn't agree to photos!" She tries to grab my phone, but by the time she gets to it I've already sent it to our group chat and saved it to my iCloud.

"When we get back to the agency you're fired," Ryukyu says watching the video play on her phone.

"It was worth it,"

"Um excuse me," I turn to see a purplish brown haired man with a child hiding behind who I can only assume is his child. This interaction is what makes me realize that in all the fun the three of us were having, we were bend and snapping in the middle of a boba shop.

So feeling warmth rush to my cheeks I step aside to let the father and daughter pass. As they pass, my eyes catch the daughter's and something feels off. But I decide to brush it off,

That was my first mistake.

Looking back I would've done so much differently. But I didn't, instead I got in line after them and continued my fun. We ordered our drinks and sat down, I had a (favorite boba flavor, f/b/f), Ryukyu had a brown sugar milk tea, and Nejire had a taro milk tea.

I watched the father and daughter grab their drinks, but the daughter gets too excited and drops her's. I can practically see the smoke come out of the father's ears and he raises his hand, but I step in.

I grab the father's wrist before he can swing, and he looks at me with eyes filled to the brim in pure rage. The daughter looks at the scene with a look of both awe and total horror.

"I'm sorry daddy I didn't mean to!"

I look at the child, her eyes are screaming fear and looks like she might go pale from the situation. "Have you calmed down now, sir?" I look at the man dead in the eye.

"I have," he says snarling at me. "Good."

I let go of him and then bend down and start talking to the girl, "Hi babes, my name is Y/n. What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you Erii, you're such a lovely girl."

"Erii we're leaving."

"Okay daddy, bye Ms. Y/n"

Letting them leave was my second.


Tokoyami pov ~

I walk home after a tiring day working with the number 3 hero: Hawks. Working with him has been great, but incredibly frustrating. I respect that we've been able to do, but all I ever really do on the field is chase after him.

"Don't be so glum, birdbrain,"

"Shut up Dark Shadow,"

"I was just tryna be nice, birdbrain,"

"Whatever you say," I say and walk into a nearby bakery. It's late, so it looks like we'll be the last customers. I walk up to the counter and look at the menu, "Greetings, can I have a hot chocolate and 4 dark chocolate truffles please."

It's there that I see him, his luminous skin, his purple hair that complement his eyes perfectly, and a forced smile that makes me want to laugh.

The purple haired worker forces another smile and says, "Great choice! Coming right up."

As the employee prepares the order, he can't help but notice Tokoyami's distinctive appearance, with his Dark Shadow partially visible. Curious but not wanting to be rude, he decides to strike up a conversation.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but your quirk is fascinating. I don't believe we've met before."

Tokoyami is surprised by the dialogue but tries to be friendly, "Ah, no, we haven't. I'm Tokoyami Fumikage, a student at U.A. High School. My quirk, Dark Shadow, is indeed quite unique."

"Actually I do know you, you got third place in the sports festival a while back. My sister and I competed in that too, I regret to admit that we didn't do too good though," The employee hands me my hot chocolate and goes to grab my truffles.

"Always good to meet another UA student, especially one as talented as you. I'm hoping to transfer into the hero course next semester and end up in the same class as my sister, tho I'd never admit I want to be around her to her face." The employee continues while bagging up my treats.

"I appreciate your kind words. It's been a journey, learning to control my quirk, but I'm determined to become a great hero." I answer feeling heat rush to my face.

"Here's your order and a blackberry scone both on the house. I hope you enjoy it."

"Thank you. I have a feeling this won't be the last time I visit this bakery," Tokoyami replies.

"I'll be here whenever you need a tasty treat, vent, or a place to unwind. They say bartenders are the best listeners, but I actually think it's cute bakery employees," the worker says with a smile causing more heat to make a home on my face.

As I'm about to leave with my treats, I turn back,"Pardon me but may I ask for your name?"

"Shinsou, Shinsou Hitoshi,"

"Fumikage has a crush! Fumikage has a crush!" 

"Shut up Dark Shadow!"

Twice in one week? Y'all are getting spoiled, huh? What did we think of the chapter?

Shinsou and Fumikage is a kind of random ship, huh? But they're cute you can't deny it.

Are we liking my 2000s movies references? Should I calm down with them?

Surprise, surprise, I brought in Erii early. What do we think about what's happening there so far?

Don't forget to comment, vote, and enjoy!!!

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