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[Gryffindor Common Room – Hermione – 3rd December]

Hermione was scratching herself in worry because it was so not like Cassiopeia to just completely disappear from her destiny or her responsibilities, and the Triwizard Tournament where her responsibility to complete even if she did not place her name into the cup!

That is what Dumbledore told them when the first task came and she hadn't shown up – so, who was she gonna trust? Then Dumbledore? No one! What he had told them sounded correct, and she should show up because in the end things would not change for everyone.

Why had she even disappeared in the first place, being thrown out of the tower should have woken her up and she should have crawled back to them to apologise to them for lying, then she would have been accepted back into the fold here at Gryffindor?

The only reason she had become friends with her was that it seemed like the only thing that was the sensible thing to do at the time, and it was also the reason why her parents hadn't taken her out of school after her first year and being friends with her would make her popular and get somewhere in this world of magic other than being on the bottom of everyone's shoes.

Also, Dumbledore had reassured her that they would find her and drag her back to school, so, she could study in the school, after all, it was because of Potter that she could even do this, and the reason where a lot to do with her overprotective parents.

[Ron's Change of Heart.]

The thing was Ron had been thinking hard about what he had done in the last couple of years at school, had an epiphany, and for the most part, he was ashamed of everything that he had done to the ones that had been his best friend since met at the train to Hogwarts.

Now he was shaking his head in quiet disbelief over how Hermione was behaving throughout the whole thing about throwing out Cassiopeia, he wouldn't have thought that it would have been her that would insist on it. The thing was he had only been friends with her because of their mutual friendship with Cassie, and he knew that they both had driven her away with how they had behaved towards their only good friend.

Only because he had been a jealous git!

It had been the only way he knew how to react when things became tough, and when things had cleared up after a time, he could see that something had always happened to Cassie – so why hadn't he just supported her through it, maybe even helped her find a solution.

After all, he may not be the smartest bloke, but even he could now see that something like this happening to his friend would be wrong, and it had clearly been the jealousy that had been talking because with a clear head he could see it clear as day, her pale face and her shaking over having her name popping out of the goblet.

Then again, he was disappointed in Hermione, it had been her and the other girls who had driven their housemate out of Gryffindor, though, everyone hadn't helped either, so, they should blame themselves for how things are now.

Had it been peer pressure?

In the end, he could understand why Cassie had completely disappeared from the world and gone without anyone knowing, he could understand it now from her point of view, she had found a loophole in the rules and with knowing this there was something in him that though she had left and gone out there to travel.

In the end, he regretted driving her out, and he will damn well understand if they will never meet up again!

[Slytherin Common Room – Draco Malfoy]

It was quite easy now to see the difference in how the school behaved when their hero seemingly had vanished without a trace, and Draco could not help but smirk at the things that were going on and everything that was damaging the light side with that disappearance.

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