Kiss on the Lips

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We were still both laughing as we reached the same circle campfire that we did the previous night; their conversations stopped.

"Well, somebody had a great time tonight" Jacob winked at me. I blushed and hid my face in Richard's shoulder. "Come and sit my young lovebirds! We were just talking about the wonderful movies of "Saw" Jacob said. I smiled brightly and nodded.

"Chill Jacob... It's just been one date" Richard laughed and sat down. "Yeah Jacob... I told him I don't want to move too fast" I giggled and started to sit in the chair next Richard.

"Ah ah ahh... Not so fast" I heard Richard tell me before he grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap. "Ohhhhh!!!! It looks like it's going pretty fast to me!!" Daniel yelled, making my face flushed and Richard burst out laughing.

"Sorry Lucy... I couldn't help myself" he winked and kissed my cheek before he left my waist go. I giggled nervously and quickly sat in the seat next to him. He smiled and grabbed my hand again before he whispered in my ear. "He totally has the eyes that he wants to kill me right now..." he told me and turned back to the guys.

I giggled and turned back to face Alex.

Richard was right.

His hands were formed into fists and it looks like his eyes were showing fire. It was a scary sight. I whispered back in Richard's ear.

"Hey... You should tone it down... He really does look like he's going to kill you" I said worriedly. He laughed and kisses my forehead.

"Don't worry... He won't" he replied and turned back to the guys.

"So Alex!" Richard smiled. Alex released his fists and took a deep breath before he met eye contact with him.


"I was thinking... since our girls don't like each other-" he paused; noticing how Alex tensed again. "-I was thinking about a double date..." he raised an eyebrow.

"...I don't know... It's going to be hard to convince her..."

"Just tell her that Lucy is with me now" Richard said, feeling his smirk in his voice. Alex sighed heavily again and looked down. "F-Fine... I'll tell her... Tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow... That's okay with you, Lucy?"

"Yeah... My mother leaves to California in the morning so she won't be back until Saturday" I smiled. He looks at me and smiles.

"That means you can sleepover tonight" he winked. I bit my bottom lip and looked down, face already getting flushed.

"Damn Richard! Didn't she say you guys gotta take it slow?" Jacob winked.

Richard laughed. "We are! I just like seeing her blush, that's all" he admitted. I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder. "You suck, you know that?" I stick out my tongue.

He laughed even more.

"Oh come now... I don't suck" he winked. I laughed a bit and nodded. "Alright! Alright... I'll admit that you don't suck" I crossed my arms and looked away from his face.

I heard him laugh and stand up. "Good... Now, come on... I should take you home... Alex? Do you mind if I take my lady back to her house using your car?" he asked as he took my hand.

"Yeah sure... Whatever" he didn't even raised his eyes to meet us. Richard smirked and kissed my hand. "I shall be back, my fair lady" he winked and touched his lips with mine lightly.

All blood rushed to my cheeks as he chuckled and walked towards the car. I shook my head and walked around to say goodbye. When I reached Alex, I smiled and quickly hugged him before quickly retreating to the awaiting car.

When I reached it, Richard was laughing on top of the hood, car already on.

"You little dipshit!" I yelled at him and punched his arm. "Haha-oww- hey!- easy!" he stuttered as I continued hitting him.

I pouted and crossed my arms once more. "Was that kiss really necessary?" I asked him. He continued laughing as we got into the car and drove.

"Actually yes. I told you, Lucy. Every kiss that is on the lips is necessary"

"Okay so why this one was necessary?"

"He was starting to believe that it was all a fake, I could tell by the way he was sitting" he told me. "He needed to see that you are mine and that what we have is real"

"Even though it's not?"

"Exactly" he smiled. I laughed and nodded. "Okay... Be totally honest with me... How good was I?" I asked him. He bit his bottom lip before answering.

"Honestly?... You did amazing!! You could become an actress if you really wanted too"

"Really?! You're just not pulling my leg?" I smiled happily. He smiled and patted my head. "You did very well on passing a fake girlfriend" he winked and returned his hand on the wheel. I smiled and directed my eyes to the road.

"Do you also have to play with me like that too?"

"Oh come now! They think it's adorable! And Alex gets pissed off a lot faster too" he reasoned as he parked in front of my house. I laughed and nodded.

"Very true... I'm just scared that he'll come and sock you out of the blue"

"Ahh don't you worry about that... He doesn't have a good excuse for him to hit me" he smiled. I smiled back and started to get out the car.

"Oh and if Alex asked tomorrow, I gave you a long, meaningful sweet kiss when I dropped you off, okay?" he chuckled. I laughed with him and shut the door.

"Alright" I nodded to him as he drove away. I sighed and headed towards the house that was right in front of me.

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