Good Little Boy

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Richard's Perspective

I threw again the empty can and took another from the fridge.

I smiled to myself.

I got him on the edge of his seat. For him to get Lucy is not far ahead, I thought as I took a sip.

"Alex! I'll be outside, okay?"

He didn't respond. I smiled and went back outside to tell the rest of the guys the progress.

"How is he?" Jacob asked me as I say down. I shrugged my shoulders and replied, "He's pretty confused... and very angry towards me."

We all laughed.

"Well I mean, you were a bit far with Lucy, you know"

"I know but I also knew that it will get him realizing faster and angry quicker. By now, I would get under his skin even if I stood by her"

"You got a point there" Daniel nodded.

"Look, I really don't want to be doing this and all, but if we tell him that Lucy is still in love with him, he won't believe us and I know Lucy won't tell him straight forward either because she will feel like she got in the way again" I explained.

They nodded.

"Does she know the plan?" Jacob asked me. I nodded in response. "I told her after our "first date", and I have to say, she's a pretty awesome girl" I chuckled.

"Sweet! So everyone is in?"

"Everyone but Alex? Yep"

We all smiled and chilled in our seats. "So, what's the plan now?" Daniel asked.

"We slowly tone it down a bit; bring me and Lucy up every once in a while and when tomorrow happens, I'll make sure he will pay attention to Lucy rather than the movie" I smiled.

Jacob looked worried.

"Just make sure he won't knock you out for it"

"Chill dude... He won't" I reassured him. We all laughed.

"What's so funny?" we heard Alex's voice behind me.

"Ahh... Just about the crack kid?" Daniel quickly blurted out. Alex chuckled and sat down. "Did you guys see the remix to it?"

"Hell yeah!" we laughed once more.

I smiled.

Nice save, Daniel.

"So... How was your date with Lucy go?" Alex's voice seemed calm. I shrugged my shoulders.

"It went pretty good... Why you asked?" I smiled.

"Just a simple question" Alex shrugged his shoulders.

Sneaky Alex... Trying to play it cool, I laughed in my head.

"Well, I only kissed her twice and kept my hands to myself like a good little boy, if that's what you're wondering" I chuckled.

He forced a smile and laughed.

"You pulled her on your lap. You call that keeping your hands to yourself?"

"Firstly, that was only once with you guys and second, I didn't touch like James did" I leaned back in my chair.

Alex clenched his jaw and leaned back as well.

"But if you want more; I picked her up, went to the movies, watched some cheesy chick movie, bought her dinner and then came back here... Just a simple yet very pleasant date" I smiled.

Alex clenched his jaw harder and looked away.

"I-I didn't know she was into the romance genre of movies"

"Oh she's not. We had a pretty good time just making fun on how cheesy it was" I laughed. In the corner of my eye, I saw Jacob raise an eyebrow.

"But isn't she a girl? Shouldn't she like all that mushy crap?" he asked. I laughed; hiding the smirk I have.

"Well, not her. Why? I know, just can't tell you"

"Why not?" Alex asked.

I looked at him, smiling because of how obvious he was jealous.

"Something happened and now she doesn't believe in all of the lovey-dovey shit" I smiled.

Alex grunted and looked down once again.

"You're just going to have to ask her what happened" I stood up. "I'm gonna get another Coke... You guys want anything?" I asked them while I walked inside. They all shook their heads.

I smiled bigger, noticing the wheels in Alex's head turning.

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