An old "friend"

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Henry yawned and got out of bed. He was tired from the night before, he hung out with Ralph and...


Henry blushed at just the thought of him. He had to keep his feelings hidden though, he didn't want anyone finding out, because he knows his family won't accept him. He doesn't even know if Ralph likes him. For goodness sake Ralph only sees him as just a friend or even worse, he's just pretending to like him.

Henry's 17 now, they trusted him to learn how to get out of bed now and get ready for school. They said if he doesn't get out of bed in time for school he'll be punished.

Henry opened his closet, he took out a hoodie and got ready for school. Henry walked out of his house and stepped onto the bus, he hated the bus. Everyone was so loud and nosy, they could never seem to mind their own business. Henry sat near the end of the bus at a window seat. He liked staring out the window and try to predict how his day will go. Usually it's not as bad as he predicts, but they usually end up pretty trashy.

Henry walked into school, early, like usual. He wished Ralph got to school as fast as he did. Henry walked to the school's courtyard, and stared at the still dark sky. The sun was still coming up, it was nice to look at the sky, it was relaxing. He walked over to the statue in the middle and sat at the bench in front of it. Henry sat there as he watched students walked through to get to their friends or classes. Henry never knew why they'd want to be early but it doesn't affect him so he didn't care. Henry went on his phones and checked some group chats he was in, to see if he missed anything interesting. Next time he looked at his phone it was 7:02AM, who knew reading text messages took so long.


Henry jumped at sound of his name. He looked to see Ralph making his way over to him. Henry stared at Ralph's appearance, It has changed over the years. Ralph grew the back part of his hair longer, forming a mullet. He said it'd look nice, and if anything Henry thought it looked better than nice. Ralph still wore his signature red sweater, but he left it unzipped. There were patches sewed onto his sweater, to give it a more creative look. He had a plain grey T-shirt underneath his sweater, and he wore white high waisted ripped jeans. Henry knew he tried dressing more androgynously because he figured out he was a demi. Ralph really started to express his creative mind through his clothing.

"So I've been doing some creative writing recently right?"


"IT FINALLY HAS OVER 100 READS!!" Ralph exclaimed, as he excitedly stomped his legs onto the ground as he held his hands up near his chin.

"Oh good job Ralph, that's GREAT!"

Henry was happy for him, he loved seeing him get excited, it was so cute, and it always made Henry blush.

Ralph sat down next to Henry, Ralph rambled about how excited he was when he found out, and how much hard work he put into his writings. Henry watched as Ralph's bluebell eyes explored the courtyard, or how every time he'd talk he would wave around his tan hands as he spoke. Henry loved every quality Ralph had, he was simply amazing.

"Oh did you see the pin on my bookbag?" Ralph asked, as he tilted his head to look at Henry.

"No, what is it?"

Ralph lifted his bookbag onto the bench, he pointed to the demiboy pride pin on his bag.

"I bought it online, so now when I'm walking between classes, people can know I'm demi, even though it doesn't matter that much. Well maybe no one would think anything, but I like it, so I get to put it where I want it"

Henry looked at the pin, It was nice. Ralph was lucky that he didn't have to be scared of people thinking badly of him, or his parents possibly disowning him, or anything like that.

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