I'm not your Protagonist, I'm not even my own

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Ralph held his phone to his heart. He loved talking to Henry, but sometimes he can be too selfless, Ralph knows he wont understand a thing knowing nothing prior to the anime. They wished he can listen to him sometimes, he wants to watch something they both have no knowledge of and be surprised together. Henry only thinks about Ralph's interest, and Ralph's entertainment, but he should focus on himself sometimes. It's always been a problem, Ralph remembers telling Henry all the time to not do things just to please others, especially if its causing him discomfort. 

Henry really changed from 5th grade. 5th grade Henry didn't care about what people thought about him, he just did things because he wanted to. Sometimes he would act out just because he desperately needed attention. Ralph never knew why, but once they made it to 6th grade, Henry turned into a people pleaser. Ralph assumed something happened during the summer that lead him to act that way because Ralph wasn't there for Henry in the summer. He went to his uncle's house for vacation. 

Ralph wished he could've been there for him, but there was no way the two could've communicated. Ralph was in a nearby country, and Henry was at his house. He didn't have a phone at the time, so when Ralph came back to school, Henry was like a completely different person. He cared what people thinks, he looked more depressed by the day. Ralph wished he could make him live a life he wanted to live, but it was impossible because Henry himself didn't know what he wanted. 

Ralph sighed. He hopes he can change Henry's mind tomorrow at school. Henry can't keep putting himself through hell just so other people could be happy. Ralph tried changing their mind to a better topic. 

Henry invited him to the movies, isn't that exciting? Ralph smiled at the thought that Henry would want to go to the movies with him. Ralph felt his face heat up. 

Ralph opened his laptop, he decided to read all the movie summaries. He wanted to chose which movie he would be most interested in. Ralph read them, they were all so good, they couldn't pick one. They'd definitely need to go through these with Henry. Ralph heard their phone vibrate, somebody was calling him. He looked over to see his "mum" across his phone screen. He didn't know why but he felt nervous to pick it up. But he couldn't just miss her call, so he picked it up. 


"Sorry honey, I probably wont make it tonight for dinner, these divorce papers are taking longer than I imagined"

"O-okay" Ralph looked down. Not only that She's going to be late, but he's upset at the whole situation as a whole. 

"Bye sweetie, love you"

"Love you too mum, and could you tell dad I love him too?"


Ralph hung up and looked back at the movie summaries. Well now he's not hungry or concentrated. He rested his chin on his hand and looked up at his wall.

He stared at his wall, covered with posters from all sorts of shows. He stared at the main protagonists....how did they smile through it all? How come they can have their whole family die, and keep a big smile. I try to do that but....it doesn't work all the time. Any time someone criticizes me, I just feel like a failure. I want to keep a smile on, for Henry, He is having such a rough time with his parents, the last thing I want is for him to be comforting me. And I did. He had to comfort me because I couldn't disguise my sensitivity. Ugh I'm so lame.

Ralph stared at his figures. He had plenty of figures, and they all smiled, they were all deemed as heroes. They pushed through rough times, and they were fine.

"You know what...I'll be a hero, I'll be someone like you guys, making other people happy is my top priority right now, I need to stop looking at the negatives"

Even though Ralph knew it was hard. And even harder to become a hero, He'll do it, just by starting to make people happy.

Ralph realized how stupid he probably sounded, a 'hero'? That's impossible, but is it really? It just depends on your definition of a hero. And his definition was to help people and make them happy, and that's what he's going to do. Ralph smiled and continued working on his homework.

"HENRY COME DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Henry's Dad yelled. He sounded pissed, very pissed. Henry walked out of his room, confused about what he has done. 

"Ugh, what did I do now?"

Henry gulped as he started walking down the creaky stairs. Once he finally was at the bottom, he walked into the living area where is dad was at. 


Simon held up a piece of paper. It was Henry's first quarter report card. Henry felt a ping of anxiety go through his system. 

"A piece of paper?" Henry said being a smartass. 

"And what's ON the piece of paper?"


Simon glared at Henry, knowing he was playing stupid.

"HENRY, you said you weren't getting report cards this year. I knew it sounded crazy so I looked around your room to find THIS!"

He held up Henry's report Card, and waved in front of Henry's face.

"Do you want me to read it for you?"

Henry gulped he remembered his grades being bad, so he just waited for what's to come. 

"Algebra 2: C
World history: C
American lit: D "

With each word coming out if his mouth, he sounded angrier and angrier.

"Chemistry: D
Spanish: D
Band: B"

Henry cringed at his grades, how did he find it anyways, Henry thought he hid it in a good spot.

"You're grounded, no video games, no hanging out, no-"

Henry stopped listening after he said no hanging out.

No hanging out? no hanging out. no hanging- BUT THE MOVIE, WITH RALPH!


"Well I guess you have to cancel, or tell Ralph to invite someone else"

"BUT- HE WAS EXCITED TO GO WITH ME" Henry yelled, he didn't mean to start yelling at his dad, but he need to see the movie with Ralph.

"I'm sorry Henry, but if you didn't try to hide your grades, and didn't have bad grades I wouldn't have done this"

Henry stared at his dad, he was so upset, he was looking forward to watch the movie with him, Ralph was so excited to watch it. Now he has to cancel.

"PLEASE DAD I'll do anything, please, just let me see the movie, then you can ground me for the rest of the year, just please!"

Simon looked at Henry, he felt bad.

"Only on one condition"


"You have to do your homework, bring up your grades, AND clean the house BY Friday"

Henry gulped, that's going be hard but- anything to see a movie with Ralph.


Henry hugged his dad, he was so thankful it was him who found it, because if it was his mum, he wouldn't have a chance of watching the movies with him.

Simon smiled and patted his head.

"Well that homework isn't going to get done itself"

Henry got up and started heading to his room to start his homework. He needed to go to the movies with Ralph.

Author's note: I've remastered this chapter so if the comments dont make any sense you know why, also if you notice spelling errors or grammar mistakes if you'd like you could notify me or comment so I could see and fix the mistake. I dont beta read my chapter cause we die like zeppelis fr. I hope you enjoyed this!]

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