Wish That I Could give you my Love now

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Henry sat at the edge of the boardwalk, he looked down at the soft sand, and colorful ocean. The carnival was so fun, he wished his fun hadn't had to end.

"What'cha doing Henry?" Ralph interjected Henry's train of thought.

"May I?" Ralph asked.

Henry scooted over as Ralph sat down next to him, offering an ice cream he held in his hand.

"Thanks Ralph, you really didn't have to."

"Of course I did, you're my friend." Ralph said staring at the sunset.

Henry watched Ralph lick at his ice cream. He couldn't hide his blush, he wanted to let his feelings off of his chest for so long. He's gonna do it.

"Ralph! I want to tell you something.." Herny said, clutching his chest.

Ralph looked over at Heny with his big blue lively eyes. "What is it?"

"I-I-" Henry stuttered over his words, but no matter how hard he tried nothing would come out.

"Yes? Henry are you alright?" Ralph asked, as he put his ice cream down.

"I-" Henry couldn't say a thing, why was he doing this? This shouldn't be that hard, just say it already.

"Henry are you alright-"

"I LIKE YOU!" Henry blurted out.

Henry couldn't believe he just said that. He was scared of Ralph's reaction, if he rejects him wha will happen then?

"You...like me?" Ralph asked with the most unreadable face Henry has ever seen.

"I-I...yes." Henry said, clutching his ice cream, as the cold ice cream melted into his had.

"Oh...I...um. I'm flattered." Ralph said, looking down at the beach.

Henry felt his heart drop, he knew where this was going.

"Just tell me this Henry." Ralph said while standing up to look down at Henry.

"Why would I ever like a guy like you?"

Ralph said, throwing his ice cream onto the ground.

"I-I...I don't know, I just thought-"

"Well you thought wrong." Ralph said as he turned around and started to walk away.

Henry felt his heart stop. This is what he was truly scared for, ruining his friendship with the one person who care about him. It's over. It-

Ralph stopped in his tracks and looked back at Heny.

"Oh yeah, Henry. Don't you ever try speaking to me again, got it?" Ralph said, no sugar coat or anything. With that Ralph left.

Henry wanted to cry, but nothing would come out, he just sat there in shock, he couldn't believe that Ralph just said those things to him and left. No, he couldn't believe that he confessed his love to Ralph, and ruined everything. But that's just what he does best isn't it?

"GAH!" Henry abruptly shot up from his slumber, and started to pant heavily. It was a dream, God, that was just a dream. Henry's breathing started to relax, he rubbed the sweat off of his face.

"Oh my God...I ruined everything, it wasn't real, but it felt so real at the moment. Ralph would never act like that, but.."

Henry immediately shook his head to get rid of the thought. Ralph's a nice person, so If he rejected him, it wouldn't be like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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