Trains of Thoughts are Leading to Nowhere

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[TW: Panic attacks]

Henry woke up to the smell of antiseptic, and cleaning chemicals. He slowly blinked his eyes open, to only see a bright light, and a white room. Henry looked around more, and noticed his left arm in a cast, and his other arm had an IV attached to it. He tried to remember the last thing that happened, and it was him laying next to Ralph, as the police came. Henry watched as a nurse walked in, to check on him.

"Oh my, He's awake, I'll alert your family."

The nurse then hurriedly walked out of the room to inform his parents? Well shit, he's going to get in trouble isn't he? He was just supposed to see a movie with Ralph, not get into a fight with a bunch of random punks in an alleyway.

The more Henry thought about it, He realized Ralph knew the guy right? Didn't he say his name? Did it start with a C or a K? Coren? Henry couldn't remember, especially right now his mind is too fuzzy to think of anything that miniscule. Henry was interrupted from his thoughts when his parents ran into the room.

"HENRY!" Henry's mum cried as she ran by his side.

"WHat What happened?!?!" She said, as she rubbed his busted cheek with her thumb.

Henry opened his mouth, but closed it again. How was he supposed to say he was on a date with Ralph, but then he somehow took a wrong turn and watched someone possibly die, and got jumped. If he tells her that, she'll never trust him to go out ever again. She probably already doesn't trust him to go out by himself now. He sighed but before he could say anything Peter cut in.

"He should probably rest his voice, I bet he's used it enough," Peter said, filled with worry.

Henry wasn't a big fan of the implications that he was so utterly useless that the only thing he could do was scream, but he understood that Peter was in just as much horror as his parents.

"T-That night, when you were beat up, I-I saw you Henry, When the police arrived, I-I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO LOSE YOU!" Peter cried, as tears streamed down his face, as he took his glasses off, so he could wipe the tears away with his sleeve.

Was that the voice he heard last night? He swore he heard someone call his name, it must've been him. But why was he out so late? Usually the worm liked going to bed early, but I guess he didn't, so why was he out so late?

Henry stopped thinking, once he realized that he's the only patient in this room, it's not a shared room. Where's Ralph?


Henry yelled as he abruptly shot up and tried to run out of bed, luckily his dad held him down.

"Henry! NO. you cannot leave the bed. You're incredibly injured, you just need to relax and lay down, you've had a long day last night, and the only thing that'll make you better is sleep."


"Henry listen to your father, we're worried about you, your face is all swollen, you have a broken arm, and you have a head injury."

Henry's breathing started to pick up pace. He couldn't calm down, Ralph was severely injured last time he saw him- what if he's not okay, he needs to be there with him.

"B-But how's Ralph?" Henry questioned, without hiding the complete worry from his voice.

Peter gave him a nervous look.

"Well, we don't know. Last time we heard anything about his condition, he was unconscious and they said something about stitches.."

Henry was still just as concerned, if anything his breath kept picking up. He needed to get out of here, he needed air, he needed to be with Ralph, to make sure he's alright. Henry felt his hands start to shake, his heart kept beating so hard, he felt like he was having a heart attack.

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