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Henry took what his father said seriously, he wasn't going to get distracted by small things, he had to keep concentrating on his work. Henry felt like he really was improving, he studied for his tests, did his homework, and answered the questions the teacher asked. It seemed like the teachers started to notice too. The weekend rolled around and Henry will be going on a date with Ralph to the movies soon. Henry felt nervous, did he improve from last time? What if they didn't enter his grades? Wait, they had too, teachers always enter grades once they finish grading paperwork and tests and stuff....right?

Henry nervously ran over to his desk to check his grades on his computer. Henry swiftly logged into his account and started to look over his grades. Henry's face dropped when he saw his gardes.

"Algebra 2: B+
World history: B
American literature: C+
Chemistry: B
Band: A+"

Henry was astonished with his grades. They've never looked so good before. He actually can go to the movies with Ralph. Henry was so exhilarated, he jumped out of his chair and started to jump around his room, he was electrified with excitement. Henry sat back down to pull up his calendar, two days. Two days until he's sitting next to Ralph, watching the new My Hero movie, eating out of the same bag of popcorn. Henry's face turned red at the thought of them being at the movies together, sharing food, laughing, just having a fun time. Maybe when it gets insane maybe Ralph would hold onto Henry with excitement or unease. Maybe they could-


Henry was awoken from his thoughts when he got a sudden text from Ralph. Ralph? I wonder what he wants?

Ralph: Henry

Henry sprightly started texting.

Henry: yes?

Ralph: are you sure that you want to watch this movie?

Henry: yes? why wouldn't i be sure?

Ralph: because you havent watched my hero havent you?

Henry: i mean no i havent but i thought that wouldn't be a problem, because i thought we agreed you would tell what happened so i wouldnt be confused

Ralph: i mean yes, i did say that BUT i want us to have fun together, even if i tell you what happened, im probably going to forget some details, and youre not going to enjoy it as much since you dont really know the characters.

Ralph: i feel like it would be best if we watch another movie, maybe Shang chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, plus its lonnngeeerrrrr

Ralph: idk why it would be cooler if it was longer actually, but that means we'll be out later tho soooooo

Henry: sure, i dont see the problem with that

Ralph: COOL! Okay so now we know what we're doing K cool! I cant wait!!

Henry held his phone up to his chest. Okay, there may have been a change in plans, but that doesn't mean it won't be the funniest afternoon of Henry's life. Henry just thought back to what he thought about earlier, the movies, with Ralph, that's all he wanted.


Henry bounced out of his chair and ran to get his dad. Henry burst into the dining room, to see his dad working some papers.

"Dad, can I show you my grades now?"

"Not right now Henry, I'm a little busy right now, but you could show me in a few minutes."

Henry growled, he hated waiting, he just wanted to show him now so he could get it over with. Henry wanted a definite answer, he wanted a 'yes', he wanted to know he IS going to the movies with Ralph, so he could stop worrying about it.

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