Im Not Better Anymore

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Margaret waited patiently while the lady at the front desk saw if either of them were open to guests coming in at the time.

"Margaret Smithe, is that correct?"

"Margaret Millicent Mordita Smithe, miss."

The lady at the desk rolled her eyes as she stared at her.

"Well, Ms. Millicent Mordita Smithe, Henry is not open to guests at the moment, But Ralph is, would you want me to call someone to take you to his room?"

Margaret nodded, as she waited for the nurse to take her to his room. She waited there for about ten minutes before she got a call from the nurse, saying to follow her. Margaret was a little upset that she had to wait forever to see him, She does understand that everybody's busy with other patients.

The nurse led her to the room, as she knocked on the door.

"Excuse me, Mr. Butuiller, You have someone who wants to see you"

Ralph looked at the door expecting his mum or dad or something. He definitely wasn't expecting Margaret, how did she even know what happened? Then Ralph realized she probably heard from Henry's parents, they live right next to each other.

"But before she comes in, could I know your relation to her?"

. Ralph looked confused on the question, because why would it matter?

"She's my um, step sister."

Margaret gave him a weird look, wondering why he would lie? Why would it matter if she's his friend or not? The nurse nodded as she left the room.

"You have some explaining to do Mr. Butuiller."

Ralph felt sweat run down his face.

"O-of what? That I lied?"

"Well, of that, and what happened that you're here."

Ralph realized that made sense, and probably how confused she is about everything, nothing probably makes sense to her right now, and he can completely understand that. He'd be confused if he was her.

"Well, for starters I lied about your relationship, just in case they wouldn't let you stay in here for too long, so now thinking we are family, they'd let you be in here longer."

Margaret smiled, it was nice knowing someone enjoyed her company so much that they'd go as far as lying just so they could spend a little more time together.

"Are you lonely here? Didn't anyone visit you?"

Ralph looked down at his bandaged up hands. Well that answered her question. One was shaking but Margaret shrugged it off as nerves.

"Why didn't your parents come to see you?"

"Because, they told me this everyday for weeks, that today they have a very important day in court, they're going through the process of divorce, and I guess they really couldn't miss today"

Ralph chuckled, as he tried to hide the hurt in his voice. He doesn't blame them, he knows they care about him a lot, they definitely make sure he knows that, but it'd be very nice to be with someone at a time like now. Margaret felt his pain, though she never had to go through a divorce before, but she understands wanting someone to be there for her. She grew up with wealthy parents, so that led her to being spoiled growing up, but the older she grew, the more she realized she just wanted love from her parents, but since they were never there for her, they just bought her things instead. She wished she could talk to them about her day and stuff, but she couldn't. They were always busy, and they never made time for her.

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