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[ THIS CAPTER CONTAINS blood, MAJOR character injury, minor character injury, fighting, mentions of weight loss, and somewhat suicidal thoughts. (Not that bad don't worry) If you do not like what this chapter contains I recommend skipping it, though the plot wont make much sense]

"Where the hell do you think yer goin'?"

Henry tried to back away, but his body wouldn't move. He wanted to scream, run away, but he couldn't. W-was that man...dead?! Henry had his mouth open, but nothing would come out, the only movement he had was his hands shaking. He felt sweat run down his face. He couldn't breathe, no matter how much air he took in, it felt like it did nothing.

The man pulled Henry to face level, Henry couldn't process a word he was saying, no matter how hard he tried. He was too panicked to hear, next thing he knew he had agonizing pain in his left cheek, as he flew in the air, and hit the rock hard ground. No matter what he did, he wouldn't get up, he just ended up gasping for air, as he was picked up again, and getting struct in his right eye.

Everything started to blur, he felt them tugging at his har, screaming at him, and then being thrown on the ground again. It felt like a never ending cycle, the only thing he heard was when he heard something pop in his arm when he was thrown on the ground for the...seventh time? He lost count of the amount of times he was thrown, punched, kicked. He wanted it to end, he thought he was going to die, so why wasn't it happening? Why was he still here? just to feel pain?

His face felt swollen, he tried getting up, he put his hand on his forehead to only realize his hands were covered in warm, crimson blood. He's never bled so much before, if he wasn't going to get beaten to death, then he was definitely going to bleed out.

"This guy really is hanging onto his life, heh, guess we have to keep going"

The other guys laughed, getting excited to watch the life leave his eyes. The guy cracked his knuckles, getting ready to throw another fist. Before he could he got knocked in his face.


Henry looked confused as he looked up to see a furious Ralph, One hand in a fist, the other clenching Henry's phone. His eye's screamed pure rage.

"R-Ral-ph, get-get out of here" Henry warned.

Ralph didn't listen, He was blinded by anger, he is NOT going to let these men get away and beat Henry up like he's some sort of punching bag.

"Collin, what the HELL do you think you're DOING!?"

The guy chuckled, before his face went completely serious. "I'M GOING TO KILL HIM WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE YOU MORON!"

Henry never heard such an evil laugh come out of Ralph's mouth, but it just kept going.

"HAHAHAhah, If you want to kill him, you're going to have to go through ME FIRST!" Ralph yelled as he drew his fist up into the air.

"Tch, that'll be easy, all those times you go to the gym, looks like its done nothing for you but make you lose weight"

Ralph scoffed. "We'll see about that"

Ralph dropped Henry's phone next to him, and put himself into a fighting position. Collin did the same. Collin signaled his friends to do the same.

"Tch, i knew you couldn't do it without your little band" Ralph gave him an ass eating smirk.

Collin signaled them to cut it, "alright, one on one, let's do this Ralphie~"

Ralph was the first to throw his fist, which was immediately blocked, Collin lunged at his side, and thrashed him on his side. Ralph stumbled a bit before landing a hit on Collin's mouth. Henry watched as he inched himself closer to his phone. He just needs to grab it so he could call the police, and he could get help.

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