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School was finally finished, So Henry and Ralph walked out of the school building having a conversation about their 8-9th period they had together. Ralph complained how the teachers kept picking on Henry, they said that they were really close to saying something to the teacher. Henry laughed, but Ralph can tell that he was hurt from how he gets treated at this school. Ralph saddened at the sight of Henry's slightly hurt expression. He didn't deserve that. Nobody does. He wished he could take Henry's place so he wouldn't have too. Ralph sighed as he continued walking Henry to his house.

Ralph felt like it was appropriate to change the subject, he didn't want Henry to be sad, he likes seeing him happy. Henry being sad makes Ralph sad. Ralph ended up talking about how horrible he is at cooking. They said that he tries to cook anything, and it either ends up burnt, or undercooked. Ralph kept talking until he glanced over at Henry who had a completely blank expression staring at the sidewalk.

" I'm sorry! Do I talk too much?" Ralph put his hands on his mouth, in worry that he talks too much. Someone already told him that he was self centered, and now Henry seems bored, shit he really messed up.

The question surprised Henry when he heard the question. I mean of course Ralph talked a lot, but he didn't mind, he actually really enjoyed it.

"I mean...yes? sometimes? But I really don't mind I love hearing you talk"

"Do you though?"

Henry had no idea where these questions were coming from, why was Ralph so worried that he talked so much?

"Yes? Ralph is something wrong? did someone say something to you?"

Ralph went silent and looked down. Henry knew something was bothering him.

"Its okay if you don't want to tell me, but it seems like something's bothering you, would you mind just taking it off your chest or..."

"Its nothing, just someone said I was self centered, and I think it's because I talk a lot and-"

"Ralph, Ralph, calm down it's okay, and you're not self centered if you talk a lot, and WHO SAID THAT TO YOU?!"

"Uhhh nobody, but um thanks Henry, it's nice to know, but you could tell me if I am, so I could try to fix it, because that's not a very good trait to have haha" Ralph rubbed back of his head and gave a nervous chuckle.

Henry put his hand in a fist, he was so pissed by whoever said that to Ralph. They can't just say that to him. He's too sweet for anyone to insult him.

"Okay, but if somebody bothers you again tell me."

"alright." Ralph gave Henry a warm smile. He was grateful for having a friend like Henry. He always got super protective every time something happened to him. Even if someone just looked at him the wrong way, Henry would always be there to make a scene.

They finally made it Henry's place, Henry stared at his duplex. He didn't want to go in. He wanted to stay talking to Ralph.

"Well see you Henry!"

Ralph gave Henry a warm smile, waved, and started making his way to his house.


Ralph stopped and looked back. Henry looked a little nervous, he's doing the thing when he plays with his hands when he's nervous.

"Is everything okay?" Ralph asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah yeah, I just umm-"

I can't believe I'm going to do this...

"DO YOU WANT TO GO TO THE MOVIES WITH ME!?" Henry blurted out.

His face was red, he was so nervous of rejection, he was just about to change his mind. Henry thought of all the worst responses he could have to that.

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