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REHEARSAL WAS... INTERESTING TO SAY ATLEAST. Ophelia hadn't thought about the fact that in the last musicals they did their wasn't sand, water and surfing involved.

So this first rehearsal was mostly figuring things out with how they are gonna do the musical without real sand and water involved.

They decided to just use props, like waves painted on big papers, and covering the floor with carpets which color is closest to sand they could find.

And now Ricky and Ophelia are sitting in an boot, milkshakes infront of them as they're talking about whatever comes to mind.

Their topic right now? The musical.

They have never done a musical like this before, and really don't wanna mess up, but today was an disaster.

"You litterly slipped in fake sand, fell against me causing both of us to fall." Ricky reminds het with an amused smile on his face.

"How is it my fault the stupid thing was slippery?" she huffs, crossing her arms.

God, the embarrasement she felt when she fell on top of Ricky in that rehearsal, never again. She must've been as red as an tomato.

"And by the way you litterally messed up almost all of your lines." She points out, even though that wasn't as embarrasing as her.

"Okay so we both messed up today." Ricky states, taking an sip from his chocolate milkshake.

"Let's just hope that when we do the show everything will turn out great." Ophelia sighs, hopefully that won't be such an disaster as this rehearsal.

"We nailed every musical we did."  Ricky reminds her, which is the truth. "We will nail this one aswell, don't worry."

"Yeah, you're right." She sends him an thankfull smile, he is right. Every musical they did was an succes, some say because of their acting, singing and others say because of their chemistry.

Ophelia takes the straw of her strawberry milkshake between her lips before looking at Ricky's in disgust. "I still can't believe you like chocolate milkshakes."

Ricky rolls his eyes, this always has been an topic brought up every time they came here. "We're doing this again?"

"Yup." The girl nods her head. "Chocolate milkshakes are just, no."

"Chocolate is the best. You have to agree that it is atleast better then vanille." Ricky replies, looking down at his brown drink.

"Okay, it is. But still strawberry is superior." She smiles as she moves the straw in her glass in circles.

Ricky rolls his eyes but can't help the small smile appearing on his face, she can get an defensive over an milkshake flavor.

"Whatever." Ricky smiles slightly at her before returning his eyes to the window. "Maybe we should head back before the weather gets worse."

Ophelia turns her attention to the window aswell to see rain drops falling down in fast speed. "Yeah, you're peobably right."

After they had paid they quiclly made their way to the car, trying to not get soaked by the rain. However when they sat down in the car, their clothes and hair were soaked anyways.

"I hate rain." Ophelia groans, running her fingers trough her now wet hair, the curls she had actually liked this morning gone.

Ricky turns to face her and snorts at the sight of his best friend. "Nice make up, I preffer the none smudged look though."

Ophelia's eyes widden as she rushes to sit up, looking at the mirror in the car to see her make up has ran out. "Fuck." She mumbles, realizing Ricky saw her like this makes her move her head so he can't see her face.

What's up with her and embarrasing herself today?

"Want me to go back inside and get some napkins?" Ricky suggests after seeing Lia hide her face, telling him she's embarrased by how she currently looks.

"Trough this rain, again?" Ophelia asks, he would do that for her?

"Yeah, I'm already soaked." He shrugs his shoulders, already about to open the door.

"No, it's fine." Ophelia sighs, placing her hand on his to stop him. "Just drive home please."

Ricky nods his head while Ophelia pulls her hand back as she realizes it was still on his, Ricky starts the car before taking her hand back in his, this time interwining their fingers as they drive away from the parkinglot.

Ricky nods his head while Ophelia pulls her hand back as she realizes it was still on his, Ricky starts the car before taking her hand back in his, this time interwining their fingers as they drive away from the parkinglot

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