Chapter 1

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I'm so nervous. I'm going to confess to Lan Zhan, I realised that he's the one for me when I couldn't stop thinking about him and that every time when he's with me I felt a sense of comfort and security. I didn't know what these feelings were till a few days ago and I'm finally going to tell him. I've kept him waiting long enough.

He confessed to me a year ago but I didn't understand my feelings so I rejected him but he never gave up and said he would wait for me. I can't believe he actually did, normally people would move on but this shows that he's perfect. I can't wait to be with him, to be in his arms.

I reached the cafe and took the seat by the window where we first met. Haha I was all drenched and he was the first one I saw and I asked for help ignoring his cold look. He said he fell in love with me at first sight but I don't know how as I looked like a mess or as he would say, a hot mess. I smiled just thinking of the memory.

I heard the bell ringing and I saw him walking in but then my smiled dropped when I saw he had his hands on a girls waist, a very beautiful girl. She was smiling and giggling while he had a small smile as well. He never smiles at anyone. I fixed myself then put on a fake smile to hide my hurt expression. It's not that hard to do since I've mastered it already.

"Hey Lan Zhan! Erm who's she?"

"Fiancé" he stated and pulled her closer while she giggled. At that moment it felt like my whole world stopped. My hands were sweaty and my heart beat was rising. I stood there with a shocked face, I wanted to cry and scream at him. I wanted to shout that 'I love you' and 'how could you! You said you would wait for me? Was it all a lie?' But I couldn't instead I said,

"Congratulations! When's the wedding?" I asked enthusiastically when all I wanted to do was go home and cry. I'm too late. It was all a lie. Idiot why did you believe him? Why did you think this time would be different?

"3 days" she replied smiling sweetly and I couldn't even bring myself to hate her. It's not her fault but mine. I had a chance but I lost it. I was a damn fool and guess I still am since I believed everything he said and I'm still hoping he would say it's a joke, but unfortunately it's not.

"What did you want say? You said it was important." He asked breaking me from my thoughts. I couldn't bring myself to say it now. He's found someone else now. Someone better. He's happy, I shouldn't ruin it because of my selfishness.

"Oh erm I forgot" I said scratching my head and smiling

"Of course. You and your bad memory" he said with a little smile

"Haha yeah. Anyway I got to go I'm needed elsewhere. See you guys later! Again congrats!" I waved then walked out.

I went to my car and drove to my apartment. When I opened the door I went straight to the shower and turned it on to cold. I stood there and cried my heart out. Tears were falling none stop but nothing could be heard. I've already mastered the art of crying silently. The only things you could hear was the shower.

After who knows how long I got changed and went to the living room. I saw the card on the table and picked it up, guess there's nothing holding me back anymore. Well here it goes. "Hello, this is Wei Wuxian,"

"Ahh Mr Wei! You called! Have you decided on what to do?" He asked rather impatiently.

"I'll do it" Those 3 simple words said on that day forever changed my life, not that in the way I wanted but at least its something.


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