Chapter 2

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These past three days I was busy. Busy in helping Lan Zhan as his best man and busy packing and preparing for my future, my new career. I can't believe I actually agreed. Oh well what's done it done. I'm going to be leaving the next day of his wedding. He doesn't know, no one does but I need a fresh start and try to forget him. Seeing him with someone else everyday will just remind me of all the false promises made and what an idiot I am for not realising my feelings sooner. I know it's selfish to just leave but I want to be selfish for once. Everyone said I should do something for myself and this is what I'm going to do. Hopefully they won't be angry and forgive me.

Wedding day...

The wedding as much I detested being here was beautiful.

When the priest said "if anyone has any objections speak now or forever hold your silence" I just wanted to scream at them and take him away but I couldn't do that. I smiled bitterly. I don't deserve him, he's found someone better.

After saying their vows they shared a quick kiss and I felt my heart break. When I thought about their wedding night my heart shattered and I wanted to cry. They will be together. She will be in his arms, not me.

After a while people started to go home it was just our friends and his brother, I should probably tell them now. "Guys," I said grabbing their attention. Okay this is it, you can do it. "I'm leaving tomorrow" I simply stated.

"W-what? Why?" Lan Zhan asked and I saw there was perhaps sadness in his eyes. Nah I'm imagining it, he doesn't love me anymore.

"Well I'm the only single one left now, I don't want to be a third wheel. Besides I have a new job." I said sipping my whiskey.

"What job?" Jiang Cheng, my brother asked. "You never had any plans to get a job and now all of sudden you have one?"

"Yep. I like this one and I can't spend the rest of my life spending our parents money. I'm already 24 but I never had a job. Don't worry I'll keep in touch and even if I'm busy you will know what's going on with me" I said with a little smirk hiding the immense sadness I was feeling.

"Idiot. You better call! Mum and dad will be worried and jie. Wait do they even know?"

"Haha nope. Your gonna tell them" I said and he groaned while throwing curses at me. I lightly laughed.

"Hey babe, can we go home now I'm tired" Lan Zhan's wife said while clinging onto his arm and I instantly thought of their wedding night.

"It's getting late. I also need to go, I have an early flight" I said while finishing my drink.

I got a taxi since I came with Lan Zhan. I need to be with someone tonight. I need a distraction. I can't do this. It hurts so much. Why did this have to happen to me? "Can you take me to a club please?"

"Sure which one?"

"Any, furthest from here"

When I reached the club I instantly went to the bar ignoring the people on the dance floor. I ordered a scotch and started to scan my surroundings for any handsome guy or beautiful girl. I found a very beautiful girl sitting alone at the corner. I grabbed my drink and made my way towards her. "Hey! This seat taken?"


"So what's a beautiful girl like you doing sitting alone?" I asked in a low tone

"I wasn't alone before but my friends left me to dance, see" she pointed at the dance floor

"Do you mind if I keep you company?" I asked with a little smile inching closer

"N-no I don't mind" she said.

We flirted with each other for a while until I asked, "do you want to get out of here?" She smiled and nodded, I got up and grabbed her hand and led her to a hotel.

We reached the hotel room and had sex. This was my first time. I was originally going to go to a guy but I want to do that with Lan Zhan only but since he's married now that can never happen, he can never be mine.

I woke up pretty early with her head on my chest, I removed her head gently off my chest without waking her up. I had a shower, paid for the room and ordered breakfast to be delivered to her. 

When I reached home I finished packing then set off to the airport. I'll miss you Lan Zhan. I love you, always and forever...


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