Chapter 7

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Next day...

I stayed at my parents house last night as Lan Zhan's parents are going to come. I don't know why I'm nervous I've met them before many times and I'm even close to them. They treat me as their own son yet I'm still nervous.

It feels like time is slowly passing by and it's annoying because I want it to be over and done with not because I hate it or something like that but because I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest. The topic of marriage has always been weird to me as I never saw myself getting married or even having any thoughts about it so I always brushed it off and refused many marriage proposals, sure I dated, flirted and slept with others but marriage never crossed my mind but with Lan Zhan it's different. When I woke up next to him on that day it felt amazing and I wanted to always see his face first thing in the morning. It just felt right. It felt right sleeping in his arms and him calling me his and me calling him mine. It just felt right.

I always imagined our future together and in the future I have his last name and we're married with kids and it just felt so surreal and out of reach but now that it could potentially happen it's amazing, it's like a dream. I never knew that this could actually happen to me.

The doorbell rang, it's finally time. I went with my parents to open the door and immediately I was engulfed in a hug by his mother. I chuckled and hugged her back, "I'm so sorry for my sons. They are so stupid." She hugged me tighter to the point I couldn't breathe, "I missed you so much and I'm so proud of you."

"M-missed you too" I said and patted her back, "can't breathe" I said and she laughed nervously and said sorry and loosened her hug.

"Can I greet my son-in-law now? In case your forgetting you also need to greet other people." His father said and his mother pouted and said

"Do I have to? We can just take him now."


"Fine." She gave me a kiss on the forehead which made Lan Zhan a bit annoyed and before he could even make his way towards me his father pushed him out of the way and gave me a hug. How does everyone in the Lan family have crazy arm strength? Is this some sort of initiation or something?

"I missed you son, you don't come to visit these days" he said while breaking the hug.

"I know I've been busy but I promise I will visit more often"

"Are you not going to stay with us after?" His mother asked with puppy dog eyes

"We'll see" Lan Zhan said

"Ohh makes sense." His mother said while looking at Lan Zhan while he looked normal, "your afraid I will steal him off you aren't you? Well can you blame me look at how cute he is." She said again making me turn red and Lan Zhan's ears turn red. She laughed while Lan Zhan ignored her. He made his way towards me again but got pushed again by his uncle and I could tell he was getting more annoyed. His uncle gave me a short hug and mumbled "brat doesn't even visit anymore"

"Did you miss me?" I teased

"Who missed you? It was finally peaceful" he argued

"Yeah yeah like you weren't asking about a-Ying everyday" Aunty said sarcastically

"Aww you did miss me don't worry I missed you too" I said with a smile and hugged him again while he huffed and said "brat." Lan Zhan was coming towards me again but he got pushed away again but this time by his brother.

"Can I not hug my fiancé?" He said annoyed while the other laughed

"Your gonna have him all to yourself in a few days so let us and he's my brother-in-law too you know" Lan Xichen said with a teasing smile while Lan Zhan huffed. He hugged me, tightly again and said "I'm sorry I was idiot"

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