Chapter 6

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The kiss soon turned passionate and we were eager for skin on skin contact.

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist while he carried me to my room. He closed the door with a kick and threw me on the bed. He took off his shirt revealing his stone abs that I just wanted to lick. He hovered over me and kissed me again.

His hands went under my shirt and he played with my nipples. He removed my shirt and trailed kisses down my body starting with my neck. He kissed one part of it which made me moan loudly. He smirked and abused that area while his hands were rubbing my nipples. He moved down and sucked on them. His hands going to my pants.

He removed my pants and boxers and trailed kisses at my inner thighs. He licked my balls and shaft then went to the tip. He gave it a light kiss and squeeze and put it in his mouth. I moan loudly as he bobbed his head up and down while I grabbed his head and thrusted my hips. I never felt this much pleasure before. I finally cummed in his mouth and he swallowed it fully. I went red and covered my face and muttered a low "sorry"

"Don't be you taste delicious" he said with a smirk. My confidence went up a bit and I decided to do the same as he did to me. I pulled off his boxers and I was instantly met with a huge dick. I was a reasonable size but he was just much bigger that I was scared on how it would fit. He looked at me hesitating and said, "you don't have to" but when he said that I immediately engulfed him fully with him hitting the back of my throat. He moaned and I bobbed my head up and down and hummed sending vibrations straight to him. He moaned loudly and I was proud of myself seeing the prim and proper Lan Zhan moaning loudly for me. I increased my pace and used a few tricks I learned from the girls and it wasn't long until he cummed in my mouth directly at the back of my throat which I also swallowed. "Fuck your so beautiful" he muttered and changed our positions. He was behind me and my arse was facing him. He told me to suck his fingers which I happily obliged while he started to eat me out.

He then removed his fingers and put one in my hole slowly stretching me out. It was a bit painful but it was replaced with pleasure when he put the other one in and began to scissor me. He put more in and I moaned loudly when he touched a specific spot. He kept hitting it which made me cum but he stopped and I whined at the lost of contact. He smirked then put in that monster slowly inch by inch. I moaned and cried at the pain when he kissed me roughly to distract me. He was fully in hitting directly at that spot which made me moan on his mouth. He swallowed in the moan and gave me some time to adjust. He slowly started to move gradually building up his pace while I was shamelessly moaning his name loudly. His thrusts were hard and powerful which made me overwhelmed with pleasure that I soon cummed on his chest while he was still ramming me but later on his cummed as well inside me.

"I love you" I said a bit breathlessly and he kissed me roughly biting my lower lip

"I love you too, so much" he said and I felt him harden again. I looked at him in shock as my hole was sore and I feel like if we carried on my hole would rip but he just gave me an innocent smile and thrusted harder.

That night we made love many times and stopped early in the morning where we slept in each other's arm not bothering to clean up.

Next day...

I was awakened by someone screaming, "WHAT THE FUCK?" I looked up and saw it was my parents. Shit we're dead. I looked next to me and saw Lan Zhan look just as shocked. My parents were angry, "Get dressed and come down. You have some explaining to do" mother said and left the room.

"Guess we better get up now" I said and I was about to stand up when I fell back on to the bed. I can't even feel my legs. Suddenly I was picked up in bridal carry and was carried to the bath tub. I didn't say anything and just let it be. He sat in with me and we both bathed. He picked me up again and got some clothes. When we got changed we went down and I saw my mum sitting with a angry look while my father looked neutral. "Hey mum, dad what you doing back so early?" I said feigning innocence

"Oh you know since our son was in hospital only a few days ago we thought we would come quicker and help him but who knew he was sleeping with a bastard" mother said with a sarcastic tone

"I'm sorry but we talked and I decided to forgive him" I said while playing with my fingers nervously. Lan Zhan noticed and placed his hand on mine with a little smile.

"You forgave him that easily?" Mother questioned, "well I still don't forgive him so I disapprove" she said while folding her arms and looking away

"Please..." I was about to talk but then Lan Zhan interrupted me

He got down on his knees in front of my parents with his head lowered while I sat there in shock like my parents and spoke, "I'm sorry for the pain I caused Wei Ying. I will always regret it and I will spend my whole life making it up to him. I beg for your forgiveness and approval. I want to marry Wei Ying. He's my life. I can't live without him. I will do anything you say but leaving him is something I can't do. I love him too much to let him go, call me selfish but I don't care. Please approve and forgive me for my stupid mistake." He said with a pleading tone. Mother and father looked shocked before they regained their composure.

"Get up son." Father said and he shaked his head, father sighed and helped him get up. His head was still down refusing to meet my parents eyes when father spoke again, "we forgive you and we do approve. We have for a long time but we just wanted to see to what extent you would go for our approval. We never thought you would lower your pride and actually beg us. But this shows just how much you love him but if you hurt him again..." he said with a threatening tone

"I won't!" He said and father nodded

"Then called me dad like a-ying does. Welcome to the family" he said and tapped his shoulder and mother nodded showing her agreement

"Call me mum then."

"Mum, dad I will treat Wei Ying well for as long as I live"

"Well we should call your family then to set the date" mum said

"Huh for what?" I said slightly dazed

"Your wedding what else?" Mum said and I went red. She smirked, "aww is our little baby blushing" she teased

"Who's blushing? You must be seeing things, you know old age" I said

"What? You brat! How dare you call me old?!" She said and started to chase me around the living room. "Come here you little brat! All because of you I was worrying so I got grey hairs, I swear you will be the death of me" she huffed

"That's my job" I stuck my tongue out and laughed

"Ah my heart" she said clutching her chest

"Mum! What happened?! Are you alright?!" I said worryingly and ran to her. She grabbed my ear and started pulling it. I screamed in pain.

"Haha you always fall for it" she said laughing

"Well excuse me for worrying about my mother" I said when she finally stopped and started to squeeze my cheeks and I rubbed my ear with a pout.

"Haha aww so sweet" she mused

"Next time I won't then. Lan Zhan I'm being bullied" I whined to my fiancé, hmm I like the sound of that, and hugged him

"So cute"

"Not you too" I pouted and he kissed me on my lips

"Shameless" I said when he broke the kiss while going red and hiding my face in his chest while the others laughed. So mean.


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