Chapter 4

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Few months later... Wei Ying POV

It's been a couple of months since I last saw Lan Zhan. Sometimes I talk to him as well as our other friends on the group chat but I've been busy so didn't really have time. I was recording new songs, dramas and had many photoshoots. Only at night I was free and all I could think about was Lan Zhan and his new wife so I drank a lot and sometimes had company of others. It wasn't ideal but it made me forget him for a while.

It was finally time to show them my new house and I invited all of my friends including him and his wife.

My house is in the mountains that has a waterfall near by. It took a long time to decorate but it was worth the wait. It's quite isolated and the stars can be seen clearly unlike in the city where my apartment is.

Lan Wangji POV...

We all reached the location, including my "wife" and her girlfriend. We brought her girlfriend because we decided to tell him the truth. There was a black gate which opened automatically and in front was a big dark grey mansion. There was a fountain in the middle of the driveway. We knocked on the front door and the person who opened it was a handsome shirtless man. "You must be a-ying's friends, come in! I'm his manger Li Bowen, nice to meet you!" We followed him to the back garden where a pool was located. Wei Ying was laying on the grass with his eye closed surrounded by many bunnies.

The garden was full of roses, lotus pods and many different type of flowers.

He saw us and when his eyes met mine for the first time since I saw him I couldn't tell what he was thinking. Since my 'wife' girlfriend didn't know who we were visiting she was shocked and started squealing like an idiot, Guess she's a fan. He moved the bunnies and got up smiling his charming smile. The girlfriend couldn't hold her excitement and ran up to him jumping on to him with her legs wrapped around his waist. He lost his footing and fell into the pool. Since he was shirtless she was shamelessly roaming his torso and feeling his muscles. That's mine! I was jealous and angry beyond words and so was my 'wife'.

He chuckled and said in a husky voice that I haven't heard him use before "Hi, my name is Wei Ying, what's yours beautiful?" It sounded so sexy that even my ears went red but I was angry because he wasn't using it on me. She blushed and said in a soft voice

"Zheng Li"

"Beautiful name for a beautiful lady" he smiled "let's get out of the water now, as much as I would love to stay here your wearing white and people are present" he said with a seductive smile and she nodded. He got out the water and held her hand to help her, he got some towels for himself and her and greeted us. "I would hug you but I'm wet" he chuckled, I don't mind. "Follow me let me give you a tour" he said excitedly.

The house was beautiful and suited him perfectly, it was black and red and had a modern sleek design. It had many things as well as a bar, gym, gun range, cinemas and many other things.

"Huh who would've thought you would be able to afford this?" Jiang Cheng said

"With hard work of course" he said smiling

"How is it working in the entertainment industry fully now?" He asked with a hint of worry

"Not that bad. I'm just more busy now but there are some really crazy fans though and haters" he shrugged

"What do you mean?" Yanli asked

"Well everyone knows I have an apartment in Beijing so they send weird stuff to me. One time I got a used tampon it was disgusting. I also get death threats" he said nonchalantly

"WHAT? YOU GET DEATH THREATS AND DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING" Everyone screamed while I was internally cursing those people

"Well I thought you guys would be busy and also my security is very high"

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