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Few days later...

"You ready?" I asked Lan Zhan while looking at our wedding picture on my phone. "You know we don't have to do this right?" I asked again

"I know but I want everyone to know Wei Ying is married and is now my husband as am I his" he said confidently and I finally posted our wedding picture to show my fans and everyone else that we're married. I posted it with the caption, we're finally married my love. It didn't take long for it to become viral. Some were nice and supported us while some were jealous and upset that I'm now not single and others were just plain haters. But I don't care what they think only I care about is what my Lan Zhan thinks.

8 years later...

We've been married for 8 years now. Sure we had arguments and fights but we always made up with each other before going to bed and doing our everyday. Over the years I became more popular and famous while Lan Zhan became the CEO of Lan industries and his brother became the Chairman. We were known as the power couple of our generation.

We also had two kids, Lan Yuan and Lan Jingyi. We had them through surrogacy with a one year gap. Wangji fathered Yaun who's 5 whilst I fathered Jingyi who's 4. The public don't know yet and I don't plan on announcing it as I want them to grow up enjoying their childhood.

"DADA!" I heard my children scream and jump on me. They were wet, cold and covered with flour, there goes another pair of clothes. I internally sighed.

"Why are you guys wet?" I asked with concern when I heard a voice

"You little brats! Come here!" I heard Wangji's angry voice, he was covered in flour and whatnot with a bottle of water in his hands trying to throw the water at Jingyi. I shielded him and as a result I got wet

"LAN WANGJI!" I screamed and that's when he finally noticed me. He looked at me with horror in his eyes and dropped the water bottle spilling the water on the floor. "What do you think your doing?" I asked with anger

"Erm I er the kids Erm" he stuttered looking like a deer caught in headlights

"I swear if my kids get ill there will be hell to pay. Clean everything up!" I said glaring and he got right to work.

I took the kids to have a bath got them changed and put on a movie for them.

I went downstairs and saw Lan Zhan cleaning the kitchen now. "Explain. Now."

"We were baking but then things went out of control they threw flour on me so I threw water at them so we had a food fight. I chased them around but you came and yeah" he said with one breath

"Why didn't you stop it instead of carrying on?" I asked since normally he's the reasonable parent

"Didn't know it would go this far"

"They're kids obviously it would go far" I said with annoyance. "I left for 4 hours and this is what I came back to. I'm supposed to go on tour, how can I go when I'm going to be constantly worrying about you guys, more than usual." I said with a sigh rubbing my head

"You haven't been on tour for so long we can handle it. It was just a one time thing. I promise you have nothing to worry about." He said sincerely and I was about to hug and forgive him until he said, "just don't cheat on me with a groupie. I'm having trouble already with two kids don't need another" he said with a small laugh. I put my hands back down and glared at him

"Your sleeping on the couch for 2 days" I said and he stopped laughing

"Baby I was just joking. Surely you don't mean that" he said holding my hands

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