5. Wonderland

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Raven gasps, "Where are we? What's happening?" She exclaims, panicking

The group, minus Allister and Bunny, find themselves falling through a seemingly endless tunnel. Shouts of panic seem to be coming from all of them except for two. Maddie's eyes are wide in wonder and Mason is happily jumping off any obstacle that comes in her way. To most this would be terrifying but to Mason, it was purely magic.

"If I didn't know better, and I don't know better," Maddie giggles, "I'd say this is a rabbit hole!"

"I wonder where it leads to!" Lizzie exclaims while bouncing from a giant clock."

"Whoaaaa!!" Briar yells out.

Suddenly magic surrounds the girls. Each of them in their own little bubble. Mason being claustrophobic, closes her eyes until she feels the bubble pop. All of the girls are whisked into mid-air and their outfits are transformed. The outfits are simply wonderland representations of the girls personalities. Mason nods her head approvingly at the sudden wardrobe change. They emerge from circular platforms on the ground.

"Curiouser and curiouser..." Kitty trails of while glancing around.

Briar is the first to question the situation, "Where are we?"

"It looks like we're in Wonderland!" Maddie says happily.

"Wait wait wait," Mason suddenly says while looking at her friends with a smirk. All of the girls look to her, "If we're in wonderland, then that means..." Mason trails of as she begins to feel a tingle starting at her fingertips and quickly transferring to her entire body. Her eyes glow bright blue before a quick flash of light appears. In her place is a beautiful white leopard with bright blue eyes. She lets of a triumphant growl before running a circle around Maddie.

"Yay! Leopard Mason is back!" Maddie exclaims as Mason changes back with a proud smile.

All of the girls' jaws are dropped besides the other Wonderlandians, "Since when could you do that?!" Raven yells.

Mason chuckles, "Since always. But I can only do it in Wonderland. The magic in Ever After isn't strong enough for me to transform. But now that I'm home, I'm free to be wild again."

"Oh, after all this time, I'm finally back home!" Lizzie says, very relieved.

Briar observes her new outfit and looks at the others, "Who knew there was a dress code!"

"Yeah, these new dresses are wonderlandiful!" Kitty agrees.

While looking around, Apple and Briar bump into each other by accident. "Ooh!" They both exclaim while giggling.

"This bow is gonna take some getting used to! But I love it!" Apple says, already quite fond of her giant bow

"Yeah, I wish I could, but I can't take credit for the dresses," Raven says while pulling at the bottom of her dress, "In fact, I'm not even sure how we-"

Lizzie cuts her off with a hug, "Oh, Raven, you broke the curse! And brought us to Wonderland!"

Mason has quietly been following the group the entire time. Yes, she is happy to be home. And yes, she's glad she can use her powers again. But, something has seemed off the entire time. There is something wrong about this whole situation.

Raven clearly feels it too as she trys to stop Lizzie, "No, Lizzie, no, listen!"

Lizzie just ignores Raven, "For now you've totally made up for what your mother did!"

"Eh, yeah, except that, the thing is-" Raven tries again, but she is interrupted once more.

This time the interruption is done by Kitty, "Hey guys, now that we're back in Wonderland, we could find the Storybook of Legends!"

Here's the thing, Mason has never been against the idea of signing your destiny, she just purely finds it unnecessary. If you want to follow your fairytale destiny then that's cool. If you don't, that's also cool. Some people have happily ever afters and actually want to follow them, like Apple or Allister. Others, like Raven or even Lizzy depending on the way you look at it, don't have happy endings. Mason never signed the book as it was found to be fake before she could even consider it. Her story did have a happy ending but not the best beginning. So therefore, she would have signed but she's not upset that she didn't have to.

"Yeah, about that um," Briar laughs nervously, "I've been meaning to tell you guys about this for a while and-"

Again, Lizzie cuts someone off, "Can it wait, Briar? My mother's party is at teatime! Hurry everyone!" She yells as she runs ahead.

Everyone cheers except Raven and Mason.

"But something's not right! But-" Raven groans, then quickly follows her friends. Mason just shakes her head and walks after them.

"I can't believe we're really in Wonderland!" Briar says in disbelief.

Apple agrees, "I know, I've dreamed of coming here!"

Maddie turns around excitedly, "Oh, I am fairy hexcited to show you around."

"It feels so good to be home!" Lizzie says happily.

The girls walk deeper in Wonderland.

"Wow, what beautiful silver archways!" Raven comments.

"Yes, it appears we've come to... a fork in the road." Lizzie states.

A giant fork in the road is literally in front of pathways leading separate directions.

"Hmm, which way is the Queen of Hearts's castle?" Raven questions.

"Well, you do not want to go down Bandersnatch Boulevard, no offence Mason," Maddie says. Mason just nods in agreement. If you're not a bandersnatch, getting down bandersnatch boulevard is very difficult, "And Dirty Dish Drive is way too icky," All of the girls groan in disgust, "Ooh, Watch-Winder Way!"

"Why Maddie, I do think you're right! This way, everyone! Lizzie agrees as she lets out a laugh of delight as she sees Wonderland animals roam the plains.

A Wonderland animal appears in front of Briar and she pets it and giggles.

"Whoa." Briar says as the animals neck folds upwards. It outstretches its neck to eat the leaves on the trees above, "Well, I think we can all agree this place sure lives up to its name."

"Absolutely!" Kitty says, "Be careful though, Wonderland can be dangerous too."

As the girls wander around, spade flowers snap at the bugs flying around the girls. The girls scream and run off, proving Kitty's point.

"Ooh, see what I mean!" Kitty yells.

Authors note:
And we are back with a new chapter! I'm sorry it took so long to put out a new chapter. And I know we haven't met Chase yet. But his turn will come very soon. I hope you all are alright. As always, remember to eat, drink water, and take care of yourselves.

Wonderlanderful- Chase Redford x OC {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now