CHAPTER 2: Reunion

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'Regis speaking/Arthur thinking'

'Sylvie speaking'



Arthur Leywin POV:

"We are back in the past" My voice echoed throughout the room.



There were a couple of moments of silence, neither me nor Regis saying anything

Suddenly, bright golden light illuminated the room. Looking toward the source of the light, I saw that Sylvies previous white fox form has now been replaced with the form of a blond human girl that looked no older than three, her messy hair looked like soft feathers rather than actual strands of hair and from the side of her head were visible two black horns

Slowly opening her golden eyes it was clearly visible that she is confused about her current situation

' Mmm...Papa, where are we? ' asked Sylvie as she was slowly opening her eyes

After I heard her voice for the first time in what seemed like forever, I was left speechless. My eyes softened as I looked at the face of my confused daughter, who was looking around the room trying to figure out where are we

I rushed to her and took her in a long and firm hug. I could feel her confusion through our bond, but it didn't really matter to me

What's important is that she is with me now

Suddenly her eyes widened in what seemed like a realization

' Papa! What's going on? I thought that...' after remembering the last thing that happened Sylvie shouted in surprise but I cut her off

" Don't worry Sylv... I will explain you everything" I said and thus began my long explanation about what happened after that day


"... and that's how" suddenly I felt a heavy, strong, and sharp pain coming from my chest

" ARGHHHH!" I fell on my knees and shouted in pain.

' Papa! '  ' Princess' Sylvie and Regis shouted in unison as they both ran toward me

When they came closer Regis immediately jumped straight into me to see what was wrong

Sylvie had a concerned look in her eyes, I could feel her worry through our bond...

' wait, our bond? But it's impossible to be bonded if you don't have a core...'

'Princess, you need to see this' Regis cut me off before I could even finish my thought 

Deciding to listen to what Regis had to say I concentrated on my chest and what I saw next left me jaw-dropped 

I had both mana and aether core. My mana core was on the solid orange stage, even though I clearly remember that it was at light red at this time, and my aether core was still on its second layer but what has gotten the most of my attention is that it seemed like aether was invading my mana core

" What's going on here?" I said out loud and at that moment Regis leaped out of my body

Both Sylvie and me looked at him with anticipation, waiting for him to start with his explanation. He gave us one last look to make sure that we are listening and then he began 

" Arthur" he said my name which was indicating that he is serious " now you have both your mana and aether core, but it seems like your body and aether core are trying to reject the mana core since it's still undeveloped in comparison to them... after you came back aether tried to fix the difference in strength between your cores so it boosted its growth... and that's why you are at solid orange stage" he said and made a pause to make sure that we are following

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