CHAPTER 10: Anxiety and Raid

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Arthur Leywin POV

After everyone woke up we gathered around the campfire and started preparing breakfast

We made some hot soup to stay energized and warm for the rest of the day. After that, we started packing our belongings so we could keep going

We decided to split into two groups so we could clear the floors faster

The first group is the one that is going after the boss and it is consisted of Alea and me

The rest of the raid team will try to find the exit

Since the boss room is always in the same place and the gate to the next floor always changes its location we decided that Alea and I will go after the boss since we are the strongest in the group while the rest will secure the exit

I saw this as a perfect opportunity to talk with her about that. I don't want to delay this conversation, because if that made her hate me, or be disgusted with me, at least our relationship would end early so we would both be hurt less than in the scenario where this conversation comes later

'But how should I bring it up?' as I was thinking about this I was interrupted by a familiar voice

" Note" I looked toward the source of the voice only to notice the worried Jasmine looking at me


She came to me and hugged me as a sister would

' I don't know why, but I feel some kind of sinister energy from behind'

" Be careful, I don't want to lose you again" She said with evident concern in her voice

" Don't worry Jasmine, I will be fine" I tried to reassure her, and apparently it was successful since her face brightened

" and if anything happens to you, your mom will kill me so..."

She said and all I could do is nod and pat her on the shoulder in understanding and pity

We advanced as a group for a little while longer until we reached the point where we would split

After Alea made sure that the other group has everything they need we split and left in our ways

When I was sure that we are at the safe distance I took off my mask and stored it in my dimensional rune

In the beginning, the atmosphere between me and Alea was awkward. Whenever we made eye contact we would both look away quickly and sometimes I would catch her looking at my lips while gently touching hers

' I wonder what's wrong with her?'

Alea Triscan POV

We were preparing to depart further into the dungeon when I noticed that Arthur and Jasmine were together in a tight hug. In an instant I became jealous

' Am I not enough for him?'

'Of course, somebody who is as strong as he is couldn't possibly be satisfied with somebody like me'

My thoughts started going in a strange direction. I know that he told me last night that he still loves me but...

'Isn't it normal for human males to have multiple wives? So what if one day he wants to add another girl to our relationship? Will I be able to handle it'

I really didn't like where my thoughts were going but I still couldn't help it. There are stereotypes about all of the three races, for elves that they are all disgusted with other races, for dwarves is that all they can do is forge and for humans is that they are all perverts who, especially males, have multiple spouses

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