Chapter 19: Life in Elenoir 1

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Arthur Leywin POV

After everything that happened last night, in the morning I bid my farewells to my family and friends in Helstea mansion and now I am on my way to the portal gate that will lead me to the Elven kingdom, Elenoir

I was passing the busy streets of Xyrus while riding in a carriage that uncle Vincent arranged for me

It wasn't as luxurious as the ones I rode back when I was Lance, but it was better than what most of the nobles can afford

" Young master Arthur, we will be soon arriving at the gate" the coachman informed me

I picked up the bag where I was carrying my stuff and placed it on my back, ready to leave the moment we arrive

Even though I could carry everything in my dimensional rune I decided to use the bag so it wouldn't be suspicious how am I going on a trip in a foreign nation without any luggage

In my bag, I had some spare clothes, gifts for my friends in Elenoir ( the royal family), and the compass they gave me to navigate the forest

I also had a very special gift I prepared for Alea, but I kept it in my dimensional rune since it was very expensive

I got out of my carriage and headed to the guards that were protecting the portal

" Stop there" one of the guards said

" State your name and where are you heading" said the other guard

" Arthur Leywin, heading for the kingdom of Elenoir"

After the confirmation, I was allowed to pass the gate and now, I am standing in the middle of Elshire forest

Once again, I was stopped by the guards, this time Elven, but after confirming my identity and purpose for coming to their kingdom, I was let go

I could have rented a carriage to take me to the capital city Zestier, but I decided to take a walk since it has been a while since my last visit

I was walking through the forest, enjoying the scenery around me when a sudden realization hit me

' This forest will end up being a wasteland'

Only thinking about that was very depressing

The place where I spent a great deal of my childhood was turned into a pile of ashes while I could just watch it gets destroyed from the safe place

I gritted my teeth in frustration

" Papa, calm down" Sylvie tugged my sleeve from beside me

" I am sorry Sylv" I apologized with a smile

After we passed the gates she took on her human form, and ever since then she was walking uneasily

But I don't blame her, today she is supposed to meet someone that will become her mom, somebody that she already looks at as a mother, so even if she is uneasy and nervous it is understandable

We slowly proceeded through the forest until we reached the entrance of the city

There was a smaller column of people waiting outside the gates of the city, but I just went ahead of them to the guards, not even listening to their complaints

" Stop right there kid!" Shouted one of the guards " I don't care what noble family see you from, you have to wait in the line" he said while pointing to the end of the line

I ignored him and opened my bag, pulling a compass out of it

I presented it to the guard and once he realized what have I just given him, his face went pale and sweat ran down his face

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