CHAPTER 17: Meeting

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Arthur POV

The man before me was a former king of the elven kingdom, my first "lesser " master, and a grandfather figure, elder Virion Eralith

When the war with Alcarya starts he is supposed to lead our forces, but even someone as great as him was a no match for the great Agrona when it comes to warfare

Virion, or how I call him gramps, didn't have nearly enough time to prepare our forces for the greatest war in Dicathens history

Current Gramps is a man who even though he is old looks strong like he is still in his prime, which is very different compared to the war-worn-out him that I remember

" What did you call me for, Cynthia? You said that it is important?" Gramps asked in a little annoyed voice

Being called to the Xyrus all of a sudden must be burdensome considering that he is also working with Royal families on the formation of the Council

Even if his voice was annoyed, the smile on his face was showing that he is happy to see an old friend

" Actually, it wasn't me who called you here," Director Goodsky said with of smile while using her right hand to show at me

Gramps looked at me suspiciously, eyeing me in an attempt to figure out who am I

" Brat is that you?!" He shouted in disbelief after finally realizing who am I

" It's been a while Gramps" I said with a wave of the hand

He rushed toward me and hugged me tightly

He held me so tightly that if it wasn't for my asuran physique I wouldn't be able to breathe

" Brat, what happened to you?" He asked once that he let go of me

" After I unlocked the second phase of my beast will my appearance changed with it" I explained calmly for who knows what time

He eyed me suspiciously for a while. I am not surprised that he doesn't believe me, Gramps is one of the oldest beast tamers in the world and he never heard of such a thing happening

He didn't hear since he couldn't, Sylvia's will is not a reason for the change in my appearance, but telling him the truth would be much more complicated and unbelievable

" Bah, you just don't make any sense anyway"

After that gramps and Cynthia chatted for a while, catching up with what they were up to

They talk like they are old friends, that were inseparable during their youth, while in truth, they used to fight on the battlefield

They fought during the great war between elves and humans, which ended with the current human king, Blaine, killing his father

*knock* *knock*

" Come in" the director Goodsky said

The door opened and revealed a middle-aged man with messy hair and a dirty white scientific coat

Around his neck were pair of googles and from the looks of it, shaving was not among his priorities

" I am here you crazy woman" said the famous artificer Gideon

Gideon is the best artificer in the history of Dicathen. During and before the war he invented many new artifacts which contributed greatly

If we were ever in a position to finish the train project that Gideon and I constructed, then supplies would have been distributed way more easily

" It's nice that you are finally here, Gideon" the fact that even the director of the famous Xyrus academy greeted him with respect tells enough about this man's achievement

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